"Hubert represents the majority of soldiers, of whom returned home with scars in the place of medals. It is his life that stands as a reminder to look for the unnoticed and forgotten stories. Of those soldiers who may not have won a medal or died at the front, but still signed their name to go fight on the other side of the world, which is more than many people would ever do." - Macy Charles

Macy Charles, of Taroona High School, researched her Great Grandfather Hubert Francis Charles for the Frank MacDonald MM Memorial Study Tour 2018.

Hubert Charles returned from World War One. Macy was  interested in understanding more about Hubert Charles, his experiences, seeing where he served, and trying to imagine what motivated him to join midway through the war, knowing full well the horrors that awaited. She also wonders how war service might have impacted the remainder of his life and those around him on his return.

Essay competition

The Frank MacDonald MM Memorial Study Tour is an essay competition. Macy Charles submitted an essay addressing this topic.

'Such success as the Australians had achieved in 1917 had been won by the troops persisting through the sheer quality of their mettle, in the face of errors.' Charles Bean, Official Historian 1917. How accurate was this statement? Refer to the Battle of Bullecourt in your answer.

Read Macy's successful essay. (PDF, 395.29KB)