Frankie Munro developed an interest in the World Wars when his grade three teacher taught the class about Gallipoli and the ANZACS.

In 2018, as a grade 10 student at Taroona High School, Frankie continued to learn more about World War One and visited the Western Front in France and Belgium, after entering one of the winning essays in the Frank MacDonald MM Memorial Prize.

Frankie first heard about the Frank MacDonald MM Memorial Prize when a former Taroona High student, Sophie Young, won the prize in 2015. Sophie inspired Frankie to take part in the competition.

Researching the essay for the Frank MacDonald Memorial Prize, continued to increase Frankie's knowledge of World War One.

For the Frank MacDonald Study Tour, Frankie researched his friend's ancestor, Harcourt Adams.

"I have been truly fascinated by Harcourt Adams.  After his Father passed away, Harcourt had the only income in his family. He sent as much money as he could spare to his poor Mother who was left to look after her ill daughter," Frankie said. "Harcourt’s story really demonstrates how luck plays a huge part in a soldier’s survival as he survived a month at Gallipoli unscathed but was tragically killed four days after arriving on the Western Front."

Frankie presented his research about Harcourt Adams with other Frank MacDonald tour group members.


While researching Harcourt Adams, Frankie developed a great interest in the Battle of Pozieres and researched two soldiers Private Harcourt Adams and Private James William Levis.

Open the research report (PDF, 3.62MB)


The essay Frankie Munro entered in the Frank MacDonald MM Memorial Prize addressed this statement:

1917: the worst year of a hideous war (for Australia and Australians) wrote Max Blenkin, defence correspondent Australian Associated Press, 14 December 2016. How accurate do you think this statement is?