A group of people

Members of the Frank MacDonald Memorial Prize Study Tour for 2021-2022 have been announced.

Traditionally, the tour group travels in April  each year for  approximately 10-14 days and visits sites that relate to Tasmanian involvement in World War One in France and Belgium.  Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and international travel restrictions the tour in 2021 became a domestic study tour of significant World War One and World War Two sites in Albany, Western Australia and Darwin, in the Northern Territory. The tour in 2022 will again be a domestic tour.

Recipients of the Frank MacDonald Memorial Prize Study Tour in 2022

Year 9 students

Year 10 students


Other Tour Party Members

The RSL representative will be Christopher Parker, of the Lindisfarne RSL Sub-Branch. Mr Parker served with the RAAF in the ANZUK 1973-1976 Indonesian Confrontation.

Madeleine Ogilvie MP, Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier, will be the Tour’s Parliamentary representative.

The two Tasmanian Government tour leaders are Terese Smith and Tanya Brown from the Department of Communities Tasmania.

Find out more about the Frank MacDonald Memorial Tour.