Born in Branxholm, Daphne Brown was educated at Branxholm State School. She married in 1949 and had two children, a son and a daughter.

Daphne has provided many years of first aid support to her local community. In 1957 she completed a first aid course with St John Ambulance. A Foundation Member of the North East Division of St John Ambulance Brigade, Daphne dedicated many thousands of hours each year attending every major North Eastern event where a first aid presence was required. This included sporting events, the Scottsdale Show and the Derby River Derby. She also has helped to provide training courses to members of the community and at local schools. She has also actively participated in fund raising.

Daphne was the regular volunteer driver for the North East Ambulance, which was stationed at Derby and responsible for getting emergency cases from the outlying areas to the Scottsdale Hospital for treatment. In 1971 Daphne received one of the highest accolades awarded by St John Ambulance, the Certificate of Merit, for her role in keeping alive, during the 30 kilometre drive to the hospital, a sawmill worker who had severed his carotid artery. Over the years Daphne’s first aid skills have saved several lives.

Daphne also helped those who needed assistance to travel to medical appointments in Scottsdale and beyond. She would visit community members who were in poor health, and assist with household and gardening chores. Her loving and compassionate support has enabled elderly people to remain in their own homes as long as possible, including live-in support over several weeks to a very frail lady who was frightened of dying in hospital.

Daphne was admitted to the Order of St John Ambulance as a Serving Sister in 1976, and promoted to Officer Sister in 1993. She retired from the Brigade in 1995, although she continues to provide first aid assistance at Branxholm Football Club matches.

Daphne’s unstinting and dedicated service has been recognised by being named the first Citizen of the Year for the Ringarooma Municipality (1992). She was also awarded an Order of Australia (1997) for service to the community through St John Ambulance Australia for over 38 years.