Joyce McConnon was born in Ulverstone and lived in Devonport, having spent her whole life on the North-West Coast. She and her late husband, Laurie, raised nine children together.

Joyce always gave her time freely to her community. She had life memberships of Our Lady of Lourdes and St Brendan Shaw College Parents and Friends Associations. A devoted Catholic, she worked many years for Our Lady of Lourdes parish where she was in charge of catering and raising much needed funds. She was also a sacristarian at Devonport's Catholic Church where she performed many duties and ensured the Priest's robes were ready for each service.

At the age of 85, Joyce was still working in a voluntary capacity for a number of community groups. Her contribution to the St. Vincent de Paul second hand shop was to iron for one morning a week, not a task for the faint-hearted! She cooked numerous Christmas puddings each year, including more than 70 for Vinnies Christmas Hampers. Joyce also helped run Bingo each week as a fundraiser in the church hall.

She had a long association with Meals on Wheels and was Secretary for more than 20 years. Joyce was a valuable member of the Meecroft Homes for the Aged Auxiliary for many years.

An enthusiastic cook, Joyce helped the Catholic Women's League cater for a 21 st birthday party. This event stirred her interest in catering and she was in charge of the McKillop Hill catering service. Her catering colleagues claimed that Joyce could estimate, almost to the final crumb, just how much food was required for each function. She also helped out with Gran's Van, a food van for the homeless.

Joyce was a long-standing member of the Catholic Women's League, first joining in Ulverstone and continuing her membership in Devonport. She was also a foundation member of the Country Women's Association in Forth. Joyce was awarded a Medal of the Order of Australia in 2002, in recognition of her outstanding community work.

Photograph courtesy of the Advocate.