Frances Seen was born in Zeehan and attended the Sheffield and Beaconsfield area schools. She married in 1958 and had four sons.

Frances has been a member of the Beaconsfield Uniting Church congregation for 54 years. She has undertaken many support roles within the church including Sunday School teacher and superintendent (35 years); presbytery representative (18 years); fair secretary; congregation secretary; church elder; convener of interdenominational services; Tamar Esk Presbytery Mission convenor; and cleaner. Frances has been a religious celebrant for eight years and is currently training to become a Community Minister.

Frances is a longstanding member of several local groups including the Beaconsfield Hospital Auxiliary (32 years), Women’s Aglow Fellowship (26 years) and the Tamar Social Slimmers (32 years).

Frances was active in the Parent and Friends Groups at Beaconsfield Primary and Riverside High Schools, State Emergency Service Women’s catering committee, Meals on Wheels, Beaconsfield Football Club Ladies Committee and the North Launceston Amateur Athletics Club. Frances was a long-serving member of the Beaconsfield Show Committee (25 years) and the War Memorial Community Centre Committee (27 years).

In 1988, Frances received a Bicentennial Award and in 1991 she was named Australia Day Citizen of the Year for the Beaconsfield municipality. In 2006 she was awarded an Order of Australia Medal for service to the community of Beaconsfield.