June Smith was born in Wales and educated in Wombwell, Yorkshire in the United Kingdom. She married and had two sons.

In November 1969, June and her family emigrated from the United Kingdom, settling in George Town in Northern Tasmania. June was a founding member of the Play Centre in 1971 and was elected President, becoming heavily involved in fundraising. June was an active member of Parent and Friends Associations from 1972 until 1978 at the schools attended by her children. For five years, she volunteered as School Canteen Convener, organising rosters and introducing healthy eating programs. A member of the George Town Swimming Pool Association, June helped to fundraise for the development of the facility.

In 1975, June was elected to the George Town Council, serving for three years as Deputy Warden, the first woman to do so. She remained on Council until 1984 and was the Council’s representative on all child care, welfare, school, women’s and senior citizen committees.

In 1976, June was appointed to the YMCA Board of Management, a role she filled for five years. She organised school holiday activities, projects for the unemployed and camps for disadvantaged children.

June was the convenor of the annual John Batman Festival from 1977 until 1983. In 1980, June founded the Ladies Leisure Centre and was the centre’s coordinator for six years. June was made a Life Member of the Senior Citizens Club in 1984 in recognition of her role in securing government funding and business support for the centre.

In 1987, June was appointed the Community Officer for the George Town Council. She secured government funding for a community car service, family support worker, social worker, youth worker, food and nutrition worker, office traineeships and youth employment schemes. June also instigated the George Town Winter Appeal, which included all church and community groups.

Following her retirement in 1995 from Council, June established the George Town Choral Group, which performs at community events and also entertains the residents of the Ainslie House aged care facility. For six years, she volunteered every week at Ainslie House, organising games afternoons for the residents. During the past six years, she has been a volunteer for a diabetic study conducted by the Launceston General Hospital.

Medals and awards presented to June have included a Public Service Medal (1993), the RSL Australia Day Medal for her services to the George Town community (1993), a medal from the George Town Police in recognition of her services (1995) and the Medal of the Order of Australia (2003).