Jan Walley has made an outstanding contribution to sport, particularly netball and billiards. Many who have worked with her have benefited from her leadership and administrative skills. She has supported participation, organised events, trained umpires, marketed women’s sport and helped others achieve and enjoy sport.

Since 1957, Jan has held many administrative positions within the Northern Tasmanian Netball Association including: Association Treasurer, Secretary, Games Secretary, President, Vice President, Acting Finance Officer, and Finance Director. Jan was also the association’s umpires convenor in 1982 and 1987 and held many clinics for umpires.

Jan served on the steering committee for the Tasmanian Netball Centre complex and was instrumental in getting this international standard facility built in Launceston. It is regarded as one of the most modern outdoor netball facilities in Australia.

Jan has also worked hard to improve the profile of netball in Tasmania through the media. She has been actively involved in getting great coverage of the sport.

Jan served for 26 years as a member of the Board of Management of the All Australia Netball Association – a national body for netball in Australia. During this time, she dedicated herself to numerous important roles including serving as a member of the Management Committee (1985-87), the Finance Committee (1985-87) and the Marketing Board of Management (1985-86); and as Convenor of the Coaching Development Committee (1982-83 and 1987-89). She also convened numerous national events between 1982 and 1994. Jan also served as the All Australia Netball Association’s delegate and liaison officer to the Tasmanian Netball Association for 26 years.

Besides netball, Jan has held various positions within the ranks of billiards and snooker associations. She was Northern Tasmanian Association Treasurer, Secretary and Vice President. She then became the first woman in the history of Australian billiards and snooker to take on the position of President, which she held for five years.

Jan worked for 27 years with the Tasmanian Government’s northern Office of Sport and Recreation. In the role of Program Support Officer, she further assisted many peak Tasmanian sporting bodies and organisations.

In 2000, she volunteered to assist at the Sydney Olympics with drug testing in sport. In the same year Jan was awarded a Medal of the Order of Australia for service as a sports administrator, particularly to netball in Australia, and received the Australian Sports Medal for umpiring and administration and being involved in nationals for many years.

Since her retirement, Jan has gone on to become a Justice of the Peace. She voluntarily works as a register for the Honorary Justices Association of Tasmania Inc.