Christina Winter was born and educated in Launceston. She married in 1909 and had three sons. In 1909, Christina and her husband moved to Burnie to establish a photographic studio. She was a tireless worker for health, church and war-time endeavours.

Christina was President of the Burnie Branch of the Royal Tasmanian Society for the Blind and Deaf for many years and was made a Life Member in 1937. Christina was awarded the RSL Certificate of Merit for her work in support of returned servicemen and women during World War I and II. She was a foundation member and mainstay of the Red Cross, which was formed in 1914 and was one of the first women’s organisations in Burnie. During World War II, she was the Superintendent of the Red Cross workroom that undertook sewing, knitting and the distribution of food parcels.

Christina was a member of the Burnie Sick and Benevolent Committee for many years, providing much needed charitable assistance to her fellow citizens during the 1930s depression and at other times of hardship. Christina was a member of the Burnie Victoria League, which helped to purchase a vehicle to enable the Burnie bush nurse to visit country families. In 1958, she was a member of the inaugural Umina Park Home for the Aged Committee.

In 1950, Christina was appointed to the first Board of Management of the Burnie Public Hospital. She was a Life Member of the Hospital Auxiliary.

She was a lifelong worker for the Parish of St George's Church of England and held almost every office at some time. Christina was the Superintendent of the Sunday School for more than 50 years.

Christina was a dedicated fundraiser, selling badges for the Annual Wattle Day Appeal in support of the Tasmanian Sanatorium, and she was also an untiring supporter of the Annual Appeal in aid of the Spencer Hospital in Wynyard.

In 1944, Christina was made a Member of the British Empire in recognition of her service to the community.