Evelyn (Eve) Loois Masterman was born in Kent, United Kingdom, on 31 May 1907 and migrated to Tasmania with her family in 1912. She was educated at Collegiate School and completed her Bachelor of Arts at the University of Tasmania in 1933.

After graduating from University, Eve taught French and history in England and Switzerland until she returned to Tasmania at the outbreak of WWII. On her return to Tasmania, Eve befriended and helped translate for French Antarctic crews arriving in Tasmania.

Eve studied librarianship in Melbourne and was appointed as the first Tasmanian Parliamentary Librarian in 1945, a position she held for over 20 years. In 1958, she was awarded the Sir John Morris Memorial Scholarship and travelled overseas to visit large legislative libraries in London and Washington. Eve was named a Member of the Order of Australia for her contribution to public service in 1976.

Eve worked tirelessly for social justice, peace and the environment her entire life. She joined the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) Australian Section in the 1940s and was the Australian Branch Delegate to Geneva for international conferences in 1968 and 1973.

Eve was a long-term member of Alliance Francaise, amongst other organisations, and an inaugural member of Servas International. She was instrumental in the establishment of the International Peace Forest (Peace Park) at Berriedale.

Eve received a number of peace awards, including the Australian Peace Prize in 1986 for her work with the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, and a United Nations Award in 2001 for her lifetime of dedication to the cause of peace and loyalty to the United Nations and its Tasmanian Association.

In recognition of Eve's significant contribution, the WILPF Tasmanian Branch established the Eve Masterman Peace Poetry Prize.

Eve died on 5 May 2014 at the age of 106.