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Department of Premier and Cabinet


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Apology to Victims and Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse in Institutional Settings

On Tuesday, 8 November 2022, all those affected by institutional child sexual abuse in Tasmania were invited to attend a formal apology that was offered in the House of Assembly at Parliament House.

You can view a recording of the Apology (with captions) here.

The recording is also available on the Parliament House webcast archives.

Please note the recording contains material that may be confronting or traumatising to some audiences.

The Tasmanian Government acknowledges that for some people the public apology may be distressing.

If you need support now, please call A Tasmanian Lifeline on 1800 98 44 34 which operates from 8am – 8pm, 7 days per week.

If you are in crisis and need to talk to someone outside of those hours please call Lifeline on 13 11 14.

If you would like to contact someone in relation to the Apology please email

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