Importance of knowing about soldiers named on the headstones

Jack Stacey Stacey gave Jenna Stacey preparing a tribute at grave

When Jenna Stacey started reaching her great-great-uncle John Davis Stacey, known as Jack, she soon discovered she was working on a bigger story. Researching Jack helped bring family history together.

Through this experience Jenna learnt about the journey of not just Jack but his other five brothers, and followed the story of six great-great uncles who fought for World War One.  Jenna examined the effect World War One on individuals, brothers, the rest of the family and the impact on the small Tasmanian community that they called home.

Jack’s story doesn’t just stop at Jack alone. It is a story of brotherhood, family and community connection that will forever hold a special place in our hearts.

Jenna, a student at Mt Carmel College, in Hobart, was selected to travel to the Western Front with the Frank MacDonald Memorial Prize 2019. Tour members research a soldier or nurse and read research reports at gravesites.

By travelling to the Western Front Jenna saw the rows and rows of headstones, each symbolising a much bigger loss.

Unlike Jenna's research about Jack, many stories of the individuals named on the headstones and memorial walls have never been told. Behind each and every name and number is a man, a woman, a life and a story.

Jenna was honoured to visit the Western Front on behalf of Australia where she attended the Anzac Day Dawn Service at Villers-Bretonneux, in France.

Read Jenna Stacey's research about Private John Davis Stacey (PDF, 765.99KB)