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Department of Premier and Cabinet

Tasmanian Coastal Adaptation Pathways project

Coastal hazard mapping undertaken by the Tasmanian Government, as well as findings from the Climate Futures for Tasmania project, show that areas of the Tasmanian coastline are particularly vulnerable to sea level rise and storm tide events.

We also know that, with climate change, storm tide events are likely to happen more often, and that some low-lying areas can expect more frequent and dramatic inundation (flooding) and erosion. These events and their impacts could have serious implications for both public and private assets in vulnerable coastal areas.

To understand the projected climate scenarios, Tasmanian communities need reliable and relevant information so that they can make appropriate decisions about their future.

The Tasmanian Coastal Adaptation Pathways (TCAP) project aims to help Tasmanian communities and decision-makers to adapt to climate change impacts by:

  • raising the communities’ awareness of their vulnerability to the impacts of coastal inundation and erosion;
  • improving the ability of coastal councils and communities to plan and respond to likely climate scenarios; and
  • examining risk management and adaptation options that will improve communities' ability to manage risk and reduce the impacts of inundation and erosion.

The TCAP approach is to work step-by-step with local councils and communities to consider adaptation options for vulnerable coastal areas.

Step 1 - Councils nominate coastal areas that are vulnerable to climate change

Step 2 - Using coastal hazard mapping and a risk management approach, the coastal risks for each of the coastal communities are identified and analysed

Step 3 - The project takes this analysis to the relevant local councils and communities and supports them to consider adaptation options using a flexible planning pathway (JPEG)

TCAP project progress

Three rounds of TCAP have been completed.

Round 1: 2011-12

The first round focused on four communities and their respective councils. It was managed by the Tasmanian Climate Change Office and funded by the Australian Government's Coastal Adaptation Decision Pathways program. The reports for this project are available to download:

Round 2: 2013-14

The second round was managed by the Tasmanian Climate Change Office and jointly funded by the Australian Government's Natural Disaster Resilience Program, and the three participating councils. The reports for this project are available to download:

Round 3: 2014-15

This round was completed in July 2015. It was managed by the Tasmanian Climate Change Office and funded by the Tasmanian Government and the two participating councils. The councils each worked through the TCAP approach with the local communities of:

  • Nutgrove/Longbeach, Hobart City Council
  • Garden Island Creek, Huon Valley Council

Communities and Coastal Hazards Project – 2015-16

In 2015, the Communities and Coastal Hazards project was established, which built on the TCAP approach and included a broader focus on emergency management and critical infrastructure. This project was managed by the Tasmanian Climate Change Office and jointly funded by the Australian Government's Natural Disaster Resilience Program, the Tasmanian Climate Change Office, the Local Government Association of Tasmania, and the Kingborough and Glamorgan Spring Bay Councils. The Councils worked with the communities of Adventure Bay, Bruny Island, Orford and Triabunna.