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Department of Premier and Cabinet

Case Study - Drysdale (TasTAFE)

Download the Case Study - Drysdale (TasTAFE) (PDF).Man in TasTAFE uniform emptying food scraps into composting machine in industrial kitchen.

The project

  • Establish best practice internal processes for waste management and small scale composting and an associated training strategy for students undertaking Certificate IV in Cookery.


  • Teaching staff had established a Sustainability Committee and wanted to introduce a culture of sustainability and recycling.​ A successful grant application provided funds to purchase a composting machine.


  • Develop a model for waste management for TasTAFE and the Tasmanian hospitality industry.
  • Achieve cost benefits by reducing food and other waste to landfill​.
  • Establish a training and assessment strategy for students participating in the implementation of the model developed.


  • Reduce waste to landfill by 50%​.
  • Reduce or maintain service cycle times​.
  • Reduce or maintain product cycle times.


What was implemented?

  • The composting machine was installed and commissioned.
  • Procedures have been established for separation of all wastes, including measurement and monitoring.
  • Students are learning by doing through their implementation of the procedures put in place.

Key issues

  • Not knowing what I didn’t know​ about commissioning the composting equipment.
  • Internal administrative delays​.
  • Allowing time to experiment with the composter​.
  • Standardising procedures – who is responsible for what?​
  • Figuring out what to do with all our compost!

Performance against targets

  • 80-100% projected reduction in food waste to landfill​.
  • 36% reduction in cardboard waste from re-use​.
  • 50% reduction in paper waste to landfill.
  • Service and product cycle times maintained.

Lessons learnt

  • Waste reduction, landfill re-direction and opportunities for resource efficiency are everywhere.​
  • At every step of the way, you need to have buy-in from the people you are relying on for success.​
  • I learnt about the ​action learning process and ​how it was applied in the BREP program.