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Department of Premier and Cabinet

Case Study - pitt&sherry

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The projectTwo large recycling bins with labels

Implementation of best-practice guidelines for waste management in shared tenancies, including:

  • Recruitment of champions to collaborate and implement best practices.
  • Targeted communication and engagement of stakeholders.
  • Risk assessment and stakeholder consultation in establishing risk controls.


  • The company has a strong focus on sustainability and is a tenant in a five-star energy efficient building. However, the property does not provide recycling services.


  • Reduce waste to landfill and demonstrate leadership in sustainable practices at Cimitiere House.


  • Reduce pitt&sherry’s waste to landfill by 50%.
  • Achieve and maintain acceptable contamination levels.


What was implemented?

  • Conducted an awareness campaign to recruit waste ‘champions’ in other tenancies.
  • Presented a business case for introducing cardboard recycling for the building to the building manager, with a strategy for reducing contamination.
  • Negotiated a group purchasing arrangement with a waste management provider for each tenant to manage their own co-mingled recycling.
  • Re-introduced recycling of office paper in the Launceston pitt&sherry office.

Key issues

  • Location of skips makes it difficult to control contamination, and collection can only occur during work hours.
  • Getting the property manager on-board.

Performance against targets

  • We are now diverting an average of 1,400 litres of waste from landfill each month.
  • We eliminated problems with contamination by putting responsibility back onto each tenant to manage their co-mingled recycling.

Lessons learnt

  • The different types of waste streams and how they are managed.
  • The range of wastes that can be redirected.
  • The significant variations in services and prices offered by different waste management providers.
  • Cardboard is a commodity, there is a cost incentive to keep it out of landfill.
  • I learnt about the action learning process and how it was applied in the BREP program.