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Department of Premier and Cabinet

Attachment 2

Policies and programs introduced in Norway to promote electric vehicle uptake

Norway is leading the world’s electric vehicle market. The following is an outline of the policies and programs that have been introduced in Norway since 1990 to encourage electric vehicle uptake.

Financial and non-financial incentives for electric vehicles

  • No purchase/import taxes (1990).
  • No registration costs (1990).
  • Exemption from 25 per cent Value Added Tax (2001).
  • Low annual road tax (1996).
  • No charges on toll roads or ferries (1997 and 2009).
  • Free municipal parking (1999).
  • Access to bus lanes (2005).
  • Reduction on company car tax by 50 per cent (2000).
  • Exemption from 20 per cent Value Added Tax on leasing (2015).

Charging infrastructure

  • Since 2009, the Norwegian Government has maintained a program of large-scale investment in public electric vehicle charging infrastructure. The Norwegian Government launched a program to finance the establishment of at least two multi-standard fast charging stations every 50km on all main roads in Norway by 2017.
  • There is also strong support from cities and towns for charging infrastructure.

Community awareness

  • The Norwegian Government has funded communication campaigns, including an electric vehicle website which communicated information on electric vehicles to the public, including incentives and available charge points.


  • The Norwegian Government has set an ambitious target to end the sale of internal combustion engines by 2025.

Source: (EV Norway 2017) (Filho and Kotter 2015) (CNN 2017)

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