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Department of Premier and Cabinet
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Smarter Fleets

Download the Fact Sheet - Supporting Electric Vehicle Uptake (PDF).

Smarter Fleets - Heavy Vehicles

Program details

The Smarter Fleets Program – Heavy Vehicles supported heavy vehicle fleets in Tasmania to improve efficiency, and reduce fuel expenditure and carbon emissions. Participating fleets received tailored advice, including fleet efficiency opportunities, and the chance to share technical expertise.

The Government is committed to reducing transport emissions and fuel costs as part of Climate Action 21: Tasmania’s Climate Change Action Plan 2017-2021.

Who participated?

Heavy vehicle fleets from across Tasmanian regions and industry sectors participated in the Program. The Program ran from June 2018 to June 2020 as a partnership between the Tasmanian Government and MOV3MENT and was funded by the Tasmanian Government.

Smarter Fleets – Electric Vehicles in Local Government

  Program details

The Smarter Fleets Program supported Tasmanian councils to prepare to introduce electric vehicles into their fleets. The Program provided tailored information and analysis of the participating councils' fleets to calculate the environmental benefits and cost reductions that electric vehicles can offer.

Participating fleets received tailored advice identifying electric vehicle models and charging infrastructure that met each council’s needs. By partnering with electric vehicle and fleet experts, the Program encouraged sharing of technical expertise.

Fact sheets

Fact sheets are available to share the information and lessons learned through the Program with other Tasmanian fleets.

Smarter Fleets Fact Sheets - Electric Vehicles in Local Government:

Who participated?

Ten Tasmanian councils from across the State participated in the Program. The Program ran from July 2018 to June 2019 as a partnership between the Tasmanian Government and Sustainable Living Tasmania and was funded by the Tasmanian Government.

Smarter Fleets - Electric Vehicles in the Tasmanian Government

Program details

The Smarter Fleets Program – Electric Vehicles in the Tasmanian Government provided tailored information and guidance to Tasmanian Government agencies in preparing to integrate electric vehicles into their fleets. The Program actively engaged, supported and mentored agency fleet managers to be ‘electric vehicle ready’ as new models are introduced into the Australian market.

Key components of the Program included:

  • introductory workshop for agencies;
  • agency fleet analysis;
  • identification of opportunities to transition the fleet to electric vehicles; and
  • identification of opportunities to address existing barriers to electric vehicle uptake.

The Government is committed to supporting the uptake of electric vehicles in Tasmania, and to improving fleet efficiency, as part of Climate Action 21: Tasmania’s Climate Change Action Plan 2017-2021.

Who participated?

The Program ran from April 2019 to April 2020. Nine Tasmanian Government agencies participated in the Program:

  • Department of Premier and Cabinet;
  • Department of Justice;
  • Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment;
  • Department of Police, Fire and Emergency Management;
  • Department of Health;
  • Department of State Growth;
  • Department of Education;
  • Department of Communities Tasmania; and
  • Department of Treasury and Finance.

More information

To learn more, download the Smarter Fleets - Electric Vehicles in the Tasmanian Government Information Sheet (PDF).