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Department of Premier and Cabinet

Supporting Electric Vehicle Uptake - Fact Sheet

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Electric vehicles, powered by Tasmania’s renewable energy, have the potential to significantly improve the efficiency of the State’s vehicle fleet, through reduced transport costs and greenhouse gas emissions.The Tasmanian Government is committed to supporting the uptake of electric vehicles.

Tasmania’s transport emissions

The transport sector is a major contributor to Tasmania’s greenhouse gas emissions. Vehicle fleet costs are a considerable expense for the Tasmanian Government, local government, the private sector and the community.

Improving vehicle fleet efficiency represents a significant opportunity for the State to reduce emissions and fuel costs.

Commitment to support electric vehicle uptake

The Tasmanian Government is taking practical action to support the uptake of electric vehicles.This includes working with local government, and business and industry, including the Australian Electric Vehicle Association and TasNetworks, to support a statewide electric vehicle charging network.

The Tasmanian Government has established the Electric Vehicle Working Group, which is managed by TCCO. The Working Group provides advice on developing a coordinated approach to support the uptake of electric vehicles.

Key commitments

Key commitments to support the uptake of electric vehicles in Tasmania include:

  • setting a target to transition the Tasmanian Government fleet to 100 per cent electric vehicles by 2030;
  • introducing a stamp duty exemption for the purchase of new, or second-hand, battery electric or hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, for a two-year period;
  • waiving registration fees for electric vehicles purchased by rental car or tour bus companies for a period of two years;
  • launching a second round of ChargeSmart grants; and
  • supporting Metro Tasmania to trial zero emissions buses.

Electric Vehicle ChargeSmart Grants Programs

The Tasmanian Government has provided over $600,000 to support the rollout of a statewide public charging network for electric vehicles in Tasmania.

ChargeSmart  grants support organisations to install electric vehicle charters that are accessible to the public.

Three ChargeSmart grants programs (Fast, Destination and Workplace Charging) were delivered in 2018-19 to support the installation of 14 fast chargers, and 23 destination and workplace chargers across Tasmania.

ChargeSmart Grants Program 2021

Building on the success of the first ChargeSmart grants program, the Tasmanian Government is launching a second round of ChargeSmart funding.

Individual grants of up to $50,000 are available towards the upfront cost of purchasing and installing a Direct Current (DC) electric vehicle fast charging station in Tasmania, for use by the public.

Individual grants of up to $2,500 to fund Alternating Current (AC) destination chargers are also available.

The total funding available for both fast and destination charging grants is $600,000.

The grants will support installation of fast and destination charging stations in regional Tasmanian locations and key tourism destinations not currently well serviced with charging infrastructure. Priority will be given to the following locations: Bicheno, Cygnet, Dunalley, Dover, Miena (Central Plateau), Ouse, Oatlands, Port Arthur, Smithton, Southport, Strahan, Tullah, and Triabunna.

Applications open in August 2021, and more information can be found on the TCCO website.

Smarter Fleets Program

The Tasmanian Government’s Smarter Fleets Program commenced in 2015 to reduce vehicle fleet greenhouse gas emissions and fuel costs by providing tailored guidance and support to fleet managers.

Participating fleets have made improvements by:

  • revising vehicle procurement policies;
  • improving fleet data collection and analysis, and whole-of-life fleet costing; and
  • implementing smarter vehicle booking systems.

The Smarter Fleets Program was extended to additional light vehicle fleets and heavy vehicle fleets.

Electric Vehicles in Government

The Smarter Fleets Program supported participating councils and Tasmanian Government agencies to be electric vehicle ready as uptake increases, and more models become available.

Councils and agencies receive tailored advice to identify electric vehicles and charging infrastructure to meet their needs.