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Department of Premier and Cabinet


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How to adapt to a changing climate

Actions and programs for Tasmania

At home

Building Regulations

  • Have more laws around where you can live and build, making sure houses can withstand fires, flood and be evacuated easily
  • Reinforce certain areas against erosion (eg by using plants that double as homes for wildlife)
  • Better rules on where you can and can’t cut down trees to build new homes


  • Have flood and fire evacuation plans for homes
  • Prioritise things to do/take in case of an emergency
  • Review and refine plans after an event
  • Prepare for transporting animals/livestock in an emergency

Emergency Response

  • Develop permanent evacuation centres that are well known and fit-for-purpose
  • More government support for people who are affected by natural disasters

Within our community

Climate Relief

  • Subsidise air conditioning or provide a special tariff for vulnerable/elderly people
  • Greater community access to centres for cooling down/warming up ie Swimming pools, community centres, shaded areas etc
  • More urban greening
  • More support for those struggling with eco-anxiety


  • More information about climate adaptation and effects of a changing climate
  • Extend Fireman Craig program to apply to bushfires, floods, and other natural disasters
  • Make sure people are aware of the risks in their area
  • Develop climate resilience among people

Within our organisations (schools and businesses)

Climate Relief

  • Flexible working arrangements
  • Accessible, onsite temperature controls for buildings
  • Make sure all schools have air conditioning
  • Thoughtful landscaping ie No astroturf as it heats up more than grass
  • Make sure that school/work uniforms are weather appropriate ie Offer shorts/short sleeves/singlets; make sure material is breathable and sustainable


  • Evacuation plans for bushfires and floods, not just building fires, and make sure they’re put into practice
  • Plan for road and school closures

Building Regulation

  • Invest in the Green Cities initiative


Libby had to leave her home in the North-West for over a week because of a flood. She had to leave before she was able to pack everything she needed, so having a plan in place may have helped!

Rob in Devonport had great memories of the Fireman Craig education program in primary school, even though he was now in high school! Why couldn’t we do the same with bushfire and flood preparation?

*All names have been changed to protect identities.