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Department of Premier and Cabinet


Contact Details

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Find the number of a specific division or office to contact them directly or call Service Tasmania on 1300 135 513.

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Social media
Follow our social media accounts to keep up to date with specific programs and initiatives.

Key themes by region


  • Sustainable adaptation of agriculture and forestry
  • We need jobs but we need to do it while protecting the environment
  • More frequent, reliable and affordable public transport
  • Make participating in reducing the impacts of climate change more affordable for everyone (solutions are expensive)


  • Provide places and activities for people to seek climate relief
  • Better prepare for emergency evacuation and hazardous events
  • Ban single-use plastic


  • Influence behaviour change around reducing and organising waste, and choosing low emission options, such as local products, and eating less meat
  • More frequent, reliable and affordable public transport
  • More climate change education and support for young people and adults

What means the most to us

  • Recycling
  • Technology innovation
  • Public transport
  • Emergency response
  • Regulation
  • Climate relief
  • Production innovation
  • Active transport
  • Efficiency
  • Single-use plastic
  • Behavioural change
  • Building regulations
  • Preparation
  • Electric vehicles
  • Education

Rules to implement now

What CCYP Ambassadors would like to see in law right now

  1. Ban single-use plastic in Tasmania
  2. Require FOGO and REDcycle collection in all Tasmanian council areas
  3. Ban native forest harvesting
  4. Emissions limits for big companies
  5. All government buildings and schools should have solar panels
  6. Make sure big companies that supply products to Tasmania don’t use single-use plastics
  7. Make a seat in Parliament for a ‘Youth Minister’
  8. Stop the Australian Government from supporting the coal industry
  9. 80% green buildings in Tasmania by 2035, 100% by 2045
  10. Everyone to move to electric cars by 2045-2050 with 50% by 2030
  11. Emergency response plans for all communities with permanent nominated evacuation hubs and relocation plans for animals and livestock
  12. Mandatory Clean Up Australia Day participation
  13. Require media representation around environmental practices to be mandated to teach a good example

What we would tell the Premier

“If we don’t do it now, we won’t do it ever!”

“Tell the Premier, the future is in his hands”

“Listen to children, they are the future”

“Why do you care more about jobs than the future of humanity?”

“Stop prioritising the few people who work in areas bad for the future and focus on everyone being affected”

“We need more awareness about climate change, like ads on TV”

“Invest in more public transport, and make it electric and cheaper”

“Make electric cars cheaper”

“Ban single use plastic!”

“Be prepared for bushfire and flood risk”

“More action on climate change”

“There’s no planet ‘B’ so help planet ‘A’”

“Please no coal, it’s our future”

“We need to look out for each other”

Next: How to reduce emissions