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Department of Premier and Cabinet

How to have your say

Submissions are now closed

Key dates

Opportunities paper released - Thursday 25 March 2021

Written submissions close - Thursday 29 April 2021

How can you have your say?

You can make a submission by writing to us or by completing your submission online.



Tasmanian Climate Change Office

Department of Premier and Cabinet

GPO Box 123, HOBART TAS 7001


Online submission form - submissions now closed.

If you are making a written submission, please include the name and contact details of the person or organisation making the submission.

All submissions are welcome and valued.

We encourage you to read this Opportunities Paper before you make a submission.

You may also wish to review Climate Action 21.


Submissions will be published on the Tasmanian Climate Change Office website ( Your name or the name of the organisation making the submission will be made public. Your contact details will not be published. Please tell us if you want to keep your submission private. Defamatory or offensive material will not be published.


For more information about this work, or making a submission, please contact the Tasmanian Climate Change Office on 03 6232 7173 or by email at

Next - Developing a new climate change action plan