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Department of Premier and Cabinet

Key opportunities for Tasmania

Key opportunities for Tasmania to reduce emissions and adapt to a changing climate.

Adaptation opportunities

Action to manage the risks of climate change impacts:

  • Provide up-to-date information to support decision making across all sectors
  • Adaptation planning (industries)
  • Up-to-date climate projections
  • Support community action
  • Preparedness and Planning Emergency management
  • Decision support tools
  • Build community resilience
  • Planning system

Mitigation opportunities

  • Renewable energy
  • Energy efficiency and demand reduction (industry, business and households)
  • Electrification (commercial, industrial and domestic)
  • Battery storage
  • Electrify domestic heating, cooking and hot water services
  • Electric vehicle uptake
  • Public and active transport options
  • Technology
  • Reduce organic waste to landfill
  • Agroforestry
  • Precision and regenerative farming practices
  • Use of alternative building products (eg wood)
  • Trial new feedstock types to reduce emissions
  • Reduce conversion of forests and plantation estate
  • Renewable hydrogen

Opportunities for both

  • Education
  • Funding
  • Research
  • Leverage Tasmania’s low emissions status
  • Information
  • Knowledge sharing
  • Urban greening
  • Invest in new technology (eg biomass and liquid biofuels)
  • Invest in a low carbon economy
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Support and innovation

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