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Department of Premier and Cabinet

Consultation activities

Consultation workshops

In February and March 2021, four online public consultation workshops; five one-on-one meetings with key stakeholders; and five sector‑specific consultation workshops were conducted, seeking input on the review of the Act and the development of the next climate change action plan. These workshops were conducted online using Microsoft Teams and the facilitation tool Mural. Over 200 people participated.

Additional consultation workshops seeking input on the action plan were held with the Premier’s Youth Advisory Council, delegates at Greening Australia’s Youth Climate Leaders Program in Hobart and participants in the Commissioner for Children and Young People Ambassador Program.

Opportunities Paper

An Opportunities Paper seeking written submissions was released on 22 March 2021. Submissions closed on 29 April 2021. A total of 41 submissions were received. Written submissions are available on our website.

Consultation questions

The consultation workshops and Opportunities Paper focused on six key questions:

  1. What do you think are the key opportunities to reduce Tasmania’s emissions? Please choose your top three.
  2. What do you think are the key gaps in Tasmania’s current efforts to reduce emissions?
  3. What do you think are the main opportunities for Tasmania to transition to a low carbon economy?
  4. What aspects of Tasmania’s projected future climate most concern you and why?
  5. Which parts of Tasmania (for example locations, industries, communities) do you think are most vulnerable to a changing climate?
  6. What do you think are the key opportunities to help Tasmania adapt to a changing climate? Please choose your top three.

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