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Department of Premier and Cabinet

Next steps

TCCO will use the feedback received through the consultation process as we develop the actions for the next action plan.

We will also consider the best available climate science and the outcomes from the independent review of the Climate Change (State Action) Act 2008, and the Tasmanian Emissions Pathway Review and the Economic Impact Analysis projects. Relevant election commitments, and recommendations from the Premier’s Economic and Social Recovery Advisory Council and the Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements will also be incorporated into the plan.

As the action plan is a whole-of-government plan, TCCO will work closely with other Tasmanian Government agencies to finalise the content of the action plan.

Each year, TCCO will release a report card on progress against the action plan. TCCO will also determine whether the actions are effective by undertaking a monitoring and evaluation program.

The new action plan will be available on our website, at