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Department of Premier and Cabinet

Australia's Disability Strategy

Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021-2031 is Australia’s national disability policy framework. It is driving action at all levels of government to improve the lives of people with disability. It builds on the previous framework, the National Disability Strategy 2010-2020.

The Strategy’s vision is for an inclusive Australian society that ensures people with disability can fulfil their potential, as equal members of the community. The Strategy sets out practical changes that will assist people with disability.

In line with Australia’s commitments under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the Strategy helps in protecting, promoting and realising the human rights of people with disability.

The Strategy has seven Outcome Areas. These are the areas people with disability said needed to improve. The Outcome Areas are:

  • Employment and Financial Security
  • Inclusive Homes and Communities
  • Safety, Rights and Justice
  • Personal and Community Support
  • Education and Learning
  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Community Attitudes.

Tasmania's Australia's Disability Strategy Forum 2024: 'Your Say, Your Way'

As part of the Australia’s Disability Strategy Engagement Plan, at least one public forum or consultation will be held every year from 2022 to 2031.

Tasmania is hosting the Australia's Disability Strategy Forum 2024!

Bringing together people with disabilities, their families, carers, advocacy groups, Local, State, and Commonwealth Government representatives, the Forum will explore good practice disability inclusive communication and engagement.

There will be a Workshop, Panel with guests from Government and Disability Advisory Groups and Speeches from:

  • The Minister for Disability (Cth), Hon Amanda Rishworth MP
  • The Interim Disability Commissioner (TAS), Mary Mallet
  • The Minister for Disability (TAS), Hon Jo Palmer MLC.

The Forum will talk about:

  • Tasmania’s Disability Inclusion Plan 2024-2026
  • The Disability Inclusion and Safeguarding Bill (TAS)
  • Establishing the Office for the Disability Commissioner, and
  • Australia's Disability Strategy 2021-2031.

Leading the discussions will be Manisha Amin (Inclusive Design Collective) and Jane Wardlaw (Tasmanian Disability Advocate), who will guide the expert panel and an interactive workshop on disability inclusive communication and engagement good practice.

This forum demonstrates Tasmania's commitment to the Australia's Disability Strategy 2021-2031 (ADS). The ADS's goal is to shape policies and practices that improve disability inclusion and accessibility nationwide.

Details of the event are:

Date: Friday, 30 August

Time: 10am to 3pm

Where: RACV Hotel Hobart and online via Teams

Cost: FREE

Register Here:

If you need support registering, please email or call (03) 6232 7157.