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Department of Premier and Cabinet

Disability Inclusion and Safeguarding Bill - Have your say

Artwork for the Disability Inclusion Bill has an orange and purple background. Within the artwork are white line drawings of people talking, a computer and Braille. The image is accompanied by the wording "What you have to say is important".

The Tasmanian Government has completed the community consultation on the Disability Inclusion and Safeguarding Bill 2023. The Bill has been updated with a new Bill, the Disability Inclusion and Safeguarding Bill 2024 will be progressed in the Tasmanian Parliament during 2024.

This Bill was developed in response to the 2021-22 Review of the Disability Services Act 2011 (Tas). The outcome of the Review was to create an entirely new Disability Inclusion Act that will advance the human rights of Tasmanians with disability and strengthen the Tasmanian Government’s commitment to an equitable, inclusive and accessible State. For further information on the Review see DSA Review and the Consultation Outcomes.

How we consulted

The following materials were provided for the consultation:

A pre-recorded information session with Auslan interpreters was provided for you to hear more about key aspects of the Disability Inclusion Bill.

A webinar session split into four screens. Jane Wardlaw is in the top left screen. The top right screen has three women. The bottom left screen has an Auslan interpreter. The bottom right screen has the initials of another Auslan interpreter.

Read the video transcript.

Consultation sessions

We conducted face-to-face and online consultation sessions on the draft Bill in August and September 2023. Over 60 people, including people with disability, representative organisations and service providers participated in six face-to-face sessions and three online public consultations. Many more people participated in targeted consultation sessions with organisations.


Written submissions were invited for feedback on the draft Disability Inclusion Bill 2023 and we received 30 public submissions.

Submission number

Submitted by


Simon Mboki - Word 15KB, PDF  129KB


Stephen King - Word 18KBPDF 64KB


ID: 311928 Anonymous - Word 15KB, PDF 129KB


Jenny Cambers-Smith - Word 14KB, PDF 33KB


Disability Voices Tasmania - Word 104KB, PDF 276KB


Robyn Wallace - Word 18KB, PDF 62KB


David Morrell - Word 106KB, PDF 899KB


Community Based Support - Word 49KB, PDF 156KB


COTA - Word 143KB, PDF 288KB


Rob Holland - Word 15KB, PDF 128KB


Heidi La Paglia Reid - Word 16KB, PDF 145KB


Heidi La Paglia Reid - Word 213KB, PDF 526KB


Carers Tasmania - Word 87KB, PDF 224KB


Advocacy Tasmania - Word 54KB, PDF 236KB


Tracey Hanigan - AGOSCI - Word 16KB, PDF 137KB


Tasmanian Legal Aid - Word 720KB, PDF 404KB


Tasmanian Law Reform Institute - Word 52KB, PDF 238KB


National Disability Services - Word 152KB, PDF 384KB


Equality Tasmania / Working It Out – Joint Submission - Word 24KB, PDF 96KB


Community Legal Centres - Word 77KB, PDF 1.3MB


TasCOSS - Word 405KB, PDF 577KB


Uniting Church - Word 1.2MB, PDF 275KB


Laurel House - Word 584KB, PDF 328KB


Autism Tasmania - Word 149KB, PDF 357KB


Dementia Australia - Word 106KB, PDF 210KB


Commission for Children and Young People - Word 1MB, PDF 284KB


Mental Health Lived Experience (Flourish) Tasmania - Word 93KB, PDF 122KB


Equal Opportunity Tasmania - Word 67KB, PDF 4.48MB


Association for Children with Disability Tasmania - Word 113KB, PDF 288KB


Zoe Claudio - Life without Barriers - Word 64KB, PDF 276KB


Kylie – Individual via Possability - Word 49KB, PDF 135KB

Important information to note

Submissions are published on this page where the authors have agreed to them being made public. By publishing submissions, the Tasmanian Government expresses no opinion as to the content or accuracy of any of the submissions or other materials to which the submissions may refer.

The Tasmanian Government may choose not to publish all or part of a submission if it considers it inappropriate to do so. The Government recognises that not all individuals or groups are equally placed to access and understand information. We are therefore committed to ensuring Government information is accessible and easily understood by people with diverse communication needs. However, the Government cannot take responsibility for the accessibility of documents provided by third parties.

More information can be found in the Publication of Submissions Received by Tasmanian Government Departments in Response to Consultation on Major Policy Matters (PDF).

Where to from here

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback in the consultation. Engagement on this important legislation exceeded expectations and saw representation from a broad cross section of stakeholders.

The consultation feedback was considered and used to improve the Bill. In response to your feedback the human rights focus of the Bill has been strengthened to advance and safeguard the rights of all people with disability and to advance the full and effective inclusion of all people with disability. To reflect this the Bill has been retitled to be the Disability Inclusion and Safeguarding Bill. Recommendations from the Disability Royal Commission and the NDIS Review were also considered.

There was also a lot of excellent feedback that was provided relating to implementation of the Bill. That will be addressed in the development of guidelines, policies and procedures, and through regulations, which will support the operation of the Act.

The Bill is expected to be tabled in the Tasmanian Parliament in 2024.

For further information, please contact:

Maryanne Lewis, Project Manager – Disability Inclusion Legislation Project.

Phone: (03) 6270 5830
