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Department of Premier and Cabinet


Having an effective complaints management system is important for your organisation.

Under the Disability Services Act 2011 (the Act) and the Disability Services Regulations 2015, your organisation must seek feedback about the services provided and use the feedback to review and improve services.

The National Standards for Disability Services includes a specific standard about feedback and complaints (standard four).

Your funding agreement with the Department (if you have one) also requires that you have an effective complaints management system in place.

Complying with legislation or contractual arrangements is not the most important reason for promoting a culture where people feel it’s ok to complain. Organisations wanting to deliver high quality person centred disability supports will know how important it is that people feel empowered to speak up about what’s working and not working with their supports. This goes to the very heart of people feeling valued and respected as equal citizens in their community.

An organisational culture that embraces customer feedback is one of the most effective ways of enhancing individual outcomes and improving your services, policies and procedures.

The people who use your services, their families, carers and friends, don’t expect perfection. What they do expect is that if you make a mistake, or if something isn’t as good as expected, you will acknowledge the issue and use the feedback they have provided to improve things.

This booklet consists of three sections to assist you to enhance how your organisation responds to complaints.

  1. Being complaint ready focuses on developing an organisational culture that embraces and learns from complaints.
  2. So you’ve received a complaint… provides an overview of dealing with complaints, including key factors to consider when you receive a complaint. The third looks at the importance of reviewing your policies, procedures and practices following a complaint.
  3. After a complaint looks at the importance of reviewing your policies, procedures and practices following a complaint.
