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Department of Premier and Cabinet

Grants Programs

2023-24 Community Support Fund (CSF) Grants Rounds

CSF Small Grants Round Status: CLOSED
CSF Large Grant Round Status: CLOSED

The CSF Large Grants Round closed at 2pm on Friday 1 December 2023.
The CSF Small Grants Round stage two closed at 2pm on Friday 31 May 2024

Sports and recreation clubs are not eligible for CSF grants.

For information on grants available to sports and recreation clubs please refer to the Active Tasmania website.

Small Grants

Up to $10,000 per organisation is available from a total pool of $115,000.

Organisations must be an incorporated not for profit or partner with one for their project. Projects must be undertaken in Tasmania and provide a benefit for vulnerable groups and/or communities.

Small grants must support preventing or reducing gambling harm, including projects that address the potential drivers and impacts of gambling harm. More information on drivers and impacts of harm can be found in the Guidelines.

Large grants

Up to $135,000 per organisation is available from a total pool of $550,000.

Organisations must be an incorporated not for profit, or partner with one for their project, or be a local government authority. Projects must be undertaken in Tasmania and provide a benefit for vulnerable groups and/or communities.

Large grants must prevent or reduce gambling harm, including projects that address the potential drivers and impacts of gambling harm. More information on drivers and impacts of harm can be found in the Guidelines.

Grants for Community Organisations

The 2023-24 Community Support Fund (CSF) Grants Program is primarily funded through a percentage of the profits of electronic gaming machines (EGMs or pokies) in Tasmanian hotels, clubs and casinos. The CSF is described in Section 151A of the Gaming Control Act 1993.

In line with the Regulations, the CSF Grants Program provides opportunities for community organisations to apply for funding for projects or equipment that support preventing and reducing gambling harm in their communities.

Projects funded through previous Community Support Levy (CSL) Grants Rounds can be viewed at the Previous Recipients page.

For more information about the CSF Grants Program, including any questions you have about project eligibility, please contact the Gambling Support Program at or on (03) 6270 5824.

If you require assistance with the online application process, please email

For information about a range of grants available to community organisations and local government, please subscribe to Grants Alerts by emailing