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Department of Premier and Cabinet

Small Grant Opportunity Recipients 2003


ABC Giving Tree (Specifically the Children's Choir)


Anglicare Tasmania Inc


Anglicare Tasmania Inc


Arthritis Tasmania North


Arts Alive Inc


Asthma Tasmania


Aurora Disability Services


Aurora Disability Services


Australian Breast Feeding Association Tasmanian Branch


Australian Huntington's Disease Association (TAS) Inc


Australian Red Cross Happy Mates Club


Australian Volunteer Coast Guard Association


Australian Volunteer Coast Guard Association


Australian Volunteer Coast Guard Association


Australian Volunteer Coast Guard Association


Autism Behavioural Intervention Tas Inc


Autism Tasmania


Auxiliary of the Social Work Department - LGH


Better Hearing Australia Inc


Beyondescape (Midway Point Neighbourhood Centre)


Blue Lagoon Christian Youth Camp Inc


Boat Harbour Beach SSC


Boredom Busters Risdon Prison


Brain Injury Association of Australia


Break O'Day Volunteer Resource Centre


Brighton Garden Club/Service Inc


Bruny Island Online Access Centre


Burnie Community House Inc


Central Highlands Community Development (Centralinc)


Child Health Association Inc


Circular Head Rural Health Service Inc


City Park Community Radio


Clarence Plains Services Network




Colony 47


Colony 47


Community Connections Inc


Cygnet Community Online Centre


Devonport Community House Assoc Inc


Devonport Meals on Wheels


Drug Education Network Inc


Epilepsy Association of Tasmanian Inc


Ethnic Communities Council (Northern Tas)


Eureka Clubhouse Tasmania Inc


Eureka Clubhouse Tasmania Inc


Exeter Online Access Centre


Family Support Service


Forty Plus Incorporated


Foster Carers Association of Tasmanian Inc


Geeveston Community Centre


Geeveston Online Access Centre


Giant Steps Tasmania


Glee Club Inc


Good Beginnings Australia Hobart


Greek Orthodox Church and Benevolent Society of St George


Hear a Book


Hobart City Mission Inc


Hobart Police and Citizens Youth Club


Hobart Women's Health Centre Inc


Huon Valley Respite Centre Inc


Independent Services Inc


Italian Cultural and Welfare Association Inc


Jordan River Service Inc


Karinya Young Women's Refuge Inc


Kentish Youth Services Inc


Kids Safe Tasmania Inc


King Island Supporting Disabilities Group


Launceston Benevolent Society Inc


Launceston City Mission


Maranoa Heights Community Centre


Northern Residential Support Group Inc


Oak Enterprises


Okines Community House


Orana Respite Care Centre Inc


Parish of New Norfolk, Anglican Church of St Matthew


Pedder Patter Child Care Centre


Penguin Playcentre


Polish Senior Citizens Club


Positive Solutions: Mediation, Counselling, Training


Pregnancy Support Service


Punchbowl Community Garden


Queenstown Lions Club Inc


Railton Rainbow Playgroup


Ravenswood Walk Tall Association


Richmond Fellowship of Tasmania Inc


Richmond Fellowship of Tasmania Inc


Rotary Club of Tamar Sunrise




Safety House Assoc of Tas Inc


Shelter Tasmania Inc


Slipstream Circus Inc


Special Olympics Tasmania Inc


St George School Parents and Friends Association


St Giles Society


St Helens Neighbourhood House Assoc Inc


St Helens Online Access Centre


St Vincent de Paul Society Tasmania


Survivors Inc


Tandara Lodge Community Care Inc


Tasmania Association for Mental Health


Tasmanian Association of Prisoner Support Services Inc


Tasmanian Deaf Society


Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Assoc


Tasmanian Sudden Infant Death Society Inc


Tasmanians with Disabilities


The Equipment Technology Library


The Equipment Technology Library


The Family Planning Welfare Association of Tasmanian Inc


The Link Youth Health Centre


The Miners Cottage Co-operative Society Ltd


The National Council of Women of Launceston Inc


Tranmere Playgroup


West Coast Health and Community Services Ltd


West Coast Health and Community Services Ltd


West Coast Health and Community Services Ltd


West Coast Health and Community Services Ltd


Working it Out Inc


Youth and Family Focus Inc


Youth Making Changes Around Burnie (YMCAB)


Zeehan Community Bus Management Committee


Zeehan Neighbourhood House Inc


Zeehan Neighbourhood House Inc


Zeehan Neighbourhood House Inc
