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Department of Premier and Cabinet

Small Grant Opportunity Recipients 2004

Advocacy Tasmania Inc PowerPoint projector to assist with education work with clients, families, service providers and community
Anglicare Tasmania Inc Art equipment and tutoring services for homeless young people at Youthcare
Association for Christian Homes for the Aged Inc Hawthorn Village Hostel Garden program to promote past interests, optimising physical fitness and give a sense of accomplishment
Australian Breastfeeding Assoc Tas Branch Southern Region Electric breast pumps and hygienikits for mothers experiencing difficulties in breastfeeding
Australian Red Cross Dining chairs for the Roadhouse, a drop in food and information service for homeless and vulnerable youth
Bethlehem House Homeless Mens Assistance Centre Computers for literacy and numeracy programs as part of a structured case management plan
Bicheno Lions Club Inc Defibrillator for the local Health Centre
Brain Foundation Tasmania Prepare stroke resource kits for distribution to hospitals, health centres and general community
Break O'Day Community Enterprise Cooperative Soc Ltd Provide a life skills education course 'switched on' to disadvantaged local people
Break O'Day State Emergency Service (SES) Unit Generator to provide emergency lighting at incidents to assist volunteers providing a vital service
Bruny Island Respite Community House Inc (BIRCH) Freezer to store meals for distribution to the frail aged, disabled and disadvantaged
Burnie Police and Citizens Boys & Girls Club Inc Equipment for anti-bullying team-building program
Burnie Youth Alcohol and Drug Service Multimedia projector to produce and present Powerpoint presentations in schools and other venues
Care and Rehabilitation Ministries Inc Freezer to store food before distribution
Caroline House Inc Swim and gym classes for the residents
Circular Head Rural Health Services Inc Counselling room furnishings
Clubhouse Tasmania Remove old carpet and estapol floors at the Centre
Colony 47 Inc Emergency packs and starter kits for people that are homeless
Computer Bank Tasmania Server to streamline software installation
Deloraine Hospital Auxiliary Furnish the meeting room for member and community use
Deloraine Meals on Wheels Printer and fax and heated Eskies for delivery of meals to the frail aged or disabled
Devonport Community House Inc Fridge to better cater for centre's functions
Diabetes Australia - Tasmania Camp for children with diabetes
Edmund Rice Camps Tas Inc Tents to aid the programs for all young people who access the program
Equipment and Technology Library (Cerebral Palsy Tas) Small growth chair and height-adjustable wheelie stools required by students with disabilities
Evandale Scout Group - Scouts Australia, Tasmania Branch Assistance in upgrading and maintaining the historic graveyard
Family Planning Tasmania Data projector to support education and training services
Family Support (Jordan River Service Inc) Let's Go Girls Program for young single mothers in the Brighton community
Flinders District Hospital Auxillary MPC Auxiliary Assist in purchase of a DPL99A lift for Launceston Airport to assist the frail aged and disabled
Foster Carers Assoc of Tasmania Inc Equipment to assist in training Foster Carers
Geeveston Scout Group - Scouts Australia, Tasmania Branch Equipment for physical activities and a first aid kit
Glenorchy Meals on Wheels Portable Eskies and heat/freeze packs for the transportation of hot and cold meals to our recipients
Girl Guides Assoc Australia Display board, alcohol cook sets and an urn for promotional and camp activities
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Support Group Plan, publicise and stage information forums in Launceston and Ulverstone
Grow Tasmania Office equipment to assist with production of newsletter and service promotion
Hobart City Mission Advertising material for the 'Friends' befriending service
Hospice Care Assoc N.W. Tas. Inc Train people with knowledge and skills to enable them to look after clients with a life-threatening illness
Huon Valley Council Youth Service Produce a tattoo to be included in a sexual health package that promotes a safe sex message
Huon Valley Respite Centre Inc Demountable carry-all frame for the community transport bus for collapsible wheel-chairs
Kentish Youth Services Inc Equipment for the new youth centre in Wilmot
King Island Supporting Disabilities Materials, equipment and travel for volunteer facilitators to undertake a craft program for disabled residents on King Island
Latrobe Senior Citizens Club Higher armed chairs for elderly people
Launceston Benevolent Society Inc Blankets and disposable nappies for needy families
Lifeline North West Tasmania Training of community volunteers in telephone counselling
Lifeline Tasmania Computer and software to assist with data for telephone counsellors
Lungs Under stress and Trauma (LUST) Portable concentrator for use of members who are oxygen dependent
Magra CWA Branch Learn-to-Swim program for 5-9 yr olds
Meander Valley Centre for Health and Wellbeing Inc Kitchen for the 'community shed' primarily for men to develop a 'community garden' and young people mentoring activities
Mens Shed St Helens Computer for community members to enable them to learn new skills
Mental Health Council of Tasmania (MHCT) Inc Funds to cover basic operating costs
Mersey Volunteer Unit-State Emergency Service (SES) Mobile search lights to be used in searching for missing persons
Migrant Resource Centre North Tas. Inc Petrol and maintenance cost for the vans of 'Accessing Opportunities' a refugee support program
Mission Australia - U Turn Spot welder for training people to enter the paint and panel industry
Oakdale Services Tasmania - Oakdale Lodge Purchase of DVDs to enable clients of Oakdale Services to enjoy movie watching
Paraplegic and Quadriplegic Association of Tasmania Inc A Laser printer to allow volunteers to produce in-house fact sheets and brochures
P.R. and Friends Inc and Youth Associate Committee Launceston Travel and vehicle costs for delivery of food and clothing to needy children and families
Pete's Community Workshed Bridgewater Assistance meeting running costs ie electricity, insurance, etc
Polish Welfare Office (Polish Assoc Hobart Inc) Polish Aged Care Resource Kit
Punch Bowl Community Garden Shale paths around community garden
Richmond Fellowship of Tasmania Inc Washing machine for enhancing living skills for the Gordons Hill Lodge Program
Richmond Meals on Wheels Carry Hot container for delivery of meals to the frail aged or disabled
Rotary Club of Somerset Inc Conduct a one day outdoor multicultural festival
Royal Volunteer Coastal Patrol - St. Helens Division Radio equipment to allow 24/7 day operation for 'safety of life at sea'
Rubicon Club Health forum for Port Sorell Residents
Salvation Army Tasmania Arts material for the Hobart Bridge Program to encourage participation and self-development
Shelter Tasmania Inc Shelving and scanner to create a resource library
Smithton Royal Volunteer Coastal Patrol c/- Ulverstone Division VHF scanning radio marine, fax machine, 27 MG radio to provide safety marine service weather reports
Society for Multiply Disabled People of Tas. Inc Washing machines on separate premises to wash clients' clothing and a food processor and vacuum cleaner for client support service
South Eastern Nursing and Home Care Assoc Inc Swivel bath seats to assist ease of bathing for clients
Southmore Study Centre Project materials and vehicle hire for the extension of the Club Excel Program
Special Olympics Tasmania Inc Laptop computer for use at competitions including the Inaugural National Junior Games Launceston 2004
Spurr Wing Replace old beds at Spurr Wing
St Georges School Parents and Friends Assoc Modified bicycles for students with multiple disabilities to participate in, and benefit from, the bike riding program at the school
St Helens Community Care Group Inc To assist with funding for petrol costs in transporting elderly, infirmed, disadvantaged
St John Ambulance Australia - Tasmania Production of promotional flyers, volunteer handbooks and referral manuals
St Mary's Day Centre Ergonomic chairs for the use of clients who access the Centre
St Vincent de Paul Society Tasmania Inc Leaders training weekend for young volunteers in the youth support program
St Vincent de Paul Society Tas Inc Launceston Region Commercial fridge to allow distribution of fresh and nutritious food to those in need
Stainforth Court Residential Tenancy Action Group Install a computer system in the community room for the 85 tenants on low-incomes at Stainforth
Survivors Inc Security system for 'women in abusive relationships' centre
Tandara Lodge Community Care Inc Health group to utilise 'Living Longer, Living Stronger' Program and equipment
Tasman Multi-purpose Service Series of workshops to better equip volunteers working in the Tasman Peninsula
Tasmanian Association for Mental Health Seminar/Workshop to improve community awareness about anxiety/depression
Tasmanian Association of Prisoner Support Services Inc Printing of information brochures, stationary and web hosting for better access of information
Tasmanian Council on AIDS, Hepatitis and Related Diseases Nutritious lunches at support meetings, for people living with chronic liver disease
Tasmanian Mens Health and Wellbeing Assoc Inc Mentor Training to provide services for men and boys in the exploration of gender and relationship issues and values
Tasmanian Mounted Search and Rescue Inc Workplace level 2 First Aid Training for members
Tasmanian Rowing Council Inc Adjustable sculling blades to upgrade disabled rowing program
Tasmanians with Disabilities Inc Digital projector to assist with the running of Disability Awareness Training sessions
Towers Inc (Toy Town) Computer package including software for use by the organisation for client support
Ulverstone Community House Inc Printing and stationary supplies, material costs, phone, postage and publicity for the 'Lifestyle Challenge' Program
Volunteer Ambulance Officers Assoc of Tas Inc Statewide seminar to enhance communication between volunteers and provide a forum for further study
Volunteering Tasmania Portable gazebo structures to be used by volunteer organisations for their volunteers
Waverley Scout Group - Scouts Australia, Tasmania Branch Renovations to hall due to past vandalism
West Coast Health and Community Services (Strahan) Funding to run life skills program for young people who will be moving from area to further their studies
West Coast Health and Community Services (Rosebery and Strahan) Slip Stream Circus workshops in schools and wider community
West Coast Health and Community Services (Rosebery and Queenstown) Conduct a Health and Well-being Program for men and boys
West Ulverstone Primary School Parents and Friends Assoc Inc Trestle tables to conduct a breakfast program
Womens Karadi Aboriginal Corporation Update kitchen facilities for preparation of nutritional meals for aged and low-income community
Womens Legal Service Tas Inc Training equipment to assist with client legal education and training in legal rights and responsibilities
Wynyard Community Garden Materials for the establishment of the garden
Youth House Contribution to the 'Post Card Project'