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Department of Premier and Cabinet

Large Grants Opportunity Recipients 2000-01

Charitable Organisations Grant Program 2000 - 2001

Organisation Project title Funding provided
Association of Children with a Disability (Tas) Inc Acd information folders $20,000
Big hArt Inc No one at Home Film Project $30,000
Blind Citizens Australia - Tasmanian Branch Skills and Thrills - Community participation for vision impaired people (Southern Tasmania) $30,000
Brighton Children's Services Home instruction program for pre-school youngsters $30,000
Burnie Community House Inc PACE $21,260
BURP Community development training $25,000
BURP Cooking and catering enterprise $30,000
Community Hostels Association Inc My Health - My Choice $29,495
Community Mediation Service Tas Inc Mediation skills within families and the community $7,477
Eastcoast Crusaders Police and Citizens Youth Club Swansea Celebration Project: Enriching community goodwill through banners $28,150
Epilepsy Association of Tasmania Memory Workshops $6,500
Family Based Care Association (Northern Region) Inc Our Hidden Community $22,450
Good Beginnings Australia MENy hands make light work $27,174
Hobart Senior Citizens Club Happy Times $3,444
Huon Valley Citizens & Police Liaison Committee Young at Risk outdoor challenge program $10,800
Interweave Arts Association Inc Positive image - youth workshops $14,560
Kids Help Line Australia Ltd Kids Help Line peer skills training program & workshops $25,896
King Island Support Group Sexual abuse support project $5,655
Latrobe Community Project Inc Youth and community projects/activities $27,300
Launceston Women's Shelter Inc Rural and remote community education $22,700
Lifeline Hobart Inc Resource datalink $34,205
Lifelink Samaritans (Tas) Inc Promotion of statewide befriending service $20,000
Lulworth Community Association First aid course $1,800
Northern Youth shelter Assoc Inc Accessing Opportunities $29,403
Oak Enterprises Preparatory computer training for people with disabilities $17,000
Parkside Leisure Me and You and Metro $29,370
Project Hahn Inc Bush counselling special project $7,197
Ravenswood Walk Tall Association Inc School Zone $2,301
Ravenswood Walk Tall Association Inc Ravenswood Community Garden "From little things big things grow" $6,700
Risdon Vale Neighbourhood Centre Inc How to survive the Christmas holidays $1,380
St Vincent De Paul Society (Tasmania) Inc Louis Van project officer $29,446
Stronger Communities Project Team Building communities pilot program $30,928
Survivors Inc The Journey - alternative stories for survivors of domestic violence $4,752
TASDEC Global Learning Centre Active citizenship skills course $27,100
Tasmanian Working Women's Centre Healthier Workplace Communications - focus on conflict and bullying in the workplace $35,028
The 2001 International Year of Volunteers State Planning Committee The 2001 International Year of Volunteers Coordination Project $22,000
The Devonport Play House Inc Database of children's services and activities $10,000
The Foster Carers Association of Tasmania Inc National Conference 2001 $10,000
The Salvation Army (Tasmania) Property Trust Budget coach $30,565
West Coast Women's Information Room Training our volunteers $5,500
Wyndarra Centre Inc Connections $18,140
Zeehan Police and Citizens Youth Club West Coast One Stop Youth Service Centre (not just a Band-Aid) $26,776
Total $817,452