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Department of Premier and Cabinet

3.5. Understanding the existing culture

If an organisation does not have a quality culture the first step in changing the culture is to understand what it currently is. The study by Simpson (2008a) found that the leaders of an organisation often perceived their culture to be more positive than their middle managers or staff. Therefore it’s important to implement a range of strategies to monitor all aspects of the culture and to act on the outcomes from the feedback mechanisms.

It is also important that leaders in the organisation model the behaviours they would like to characterise their organisation.


In order to uncover the unwritten ground rules that guide the behaviour of staff it can be useful to pose questions such as those listed below:

  • Around here, service users are...
  • Around here, communication is...
  • Around here being open and honest gets you...
  • Around here, showing initiative is...
  • Around here, if you criticise your manager...
  • Around here the only time a manager speaks to you is when...
  • Around here, getting a complaint is...

(Simpson, 2008b)
