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Department of Premier and Cabinet

6.1. Role of Boards of Management

In this context the responsibility for managing complaints rests with staff, while the board of management (BOM) has responsibility for ensuring the organisation has developed appropriate policies and procedures for managing complaints effectively and in a way which is consistent with the organisation’s obligations. The BOM also has responsibility for monitoring any service improvements flagged in aggregated complaints data.


  • Are the people using your service, and their families and carers, provided with information about how to make a complaint?
  • Are they informed about where they can take their complaint if they are not satisfied with your organisation’s management of the issue?
  • Are you confident that the people using your services and staff are not adversely affected if they make a complaint?
  • Does your board regularly consider trends or issues emerging through complaints and use these to identify potential areas for service improvement?
  • Does your board schedule periodic review of the organisation’s annual report to the Disability Services Commissioner?

(National Disability Services, 2008b: 22)
