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Department of Premier and Cabinet

Chapter 7 - Key elements to an effective person centred complaints resolution process

An effective complaints resolution process is one that is fully integrated into a comprehensive quality management system. This includes policies, procedures and guidelines for receiving, recording, processing, responding to and reporting on complaints, as well as how complaints improve services and impact decision making. The system should provide clarity on the complaints process as well as informing people using the services of the organisation’s commitment to using complaints to continually improve the service.

7.1. How to organise an effective complaints resolution process

This section will focus on the more structural elements of an effective complaints resolution process. However, it is important to remember that a good complaints resolution process is equally reliant on having a strong culture which sees complaints as a positive and important part of service provision. In a sense, having a complaints process is acknowledging that, by the very nature of service provision, you will not always get it right. Having a sound complaints process and culture ensures that your organisation is in a strong position to learn from those situations where people are not satisfied with the service they receive, and value you enough to tell you so.
