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Department of Premier and Cabinet

8.2. Mindful learning: What is working/not working?

8.2. Mindful learning: What is working/not working?

A person-centred approach encourages an exploration of what is working and not working for the person. Too often complaint resolution approaches focus exclusively on what is not working, rather than also seeking to identify what is working. What the provider is doing well from the person’s perspective can provide important insights into what they may need to do more of to address the complaint.

When receiving a complaint it can be useful to consider what is working and not working for the person with disability, the family and the service provider.

When reviewing your approach to complaints it can be useful to see what themes emerge from person centred plans and go through the following steps:

  1. Decide what information is needed to help you review your approach to service delivery
  2. Consider what assumptions you are making in deciding what information is needed
  3. Collect the information from the plans
  4. Group the information
  5. Allocate the themes as a team
  6. Look at the themes and consider what this tells you about what you need to do differently/better
  7. Develop an action plan of what needs to be done by whom and when so that people can see the changes.
