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Department of Premier and Cabinet


As Chief Executive Housing and Disability Reform, I have pleasure in presenting this booklet on successfully managing complaints.

We continue to work with our disability support providers to promote a culture where people feel able to speak up about the supports they receive and where complaints are embraced as an opportunity to improve quality of services. This booklet provides advice and tips for use by service providers in preparing for, resolving and reviewing the handling of complaints about their services.

Our disability support providers already operate in a regulatory environment. This booklet is designed to complement existing legislative and contractual requirements. It is just one part of a range of controls and mechanisms that support compliance and continuous improvement of services.

Please visit the Disability and Community Services website at  to familiarise yourself with the range of information and resources we have available.

I commend ‘Everything you wanted to know about complaints…’ to you as a useful reference to help your organisation further refine and enhance your approach to handling complaints to ensure that people feel that it’s ok to complain.

Peter White

Deputy Secretary, Housing, Disability and Community Services
