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Department of Premier and Cabinet

Carers - useful links

Carers Tasmania

Providing services for carers throughout Tasmania including:

  • information, referral and advice
  • carer support and well-being check
  • free counselling
  • mindfulness and therapeutic groups
  • support for young carers
  • links to support groups

Freecall™ 1800 242 636

Carer Gateway

The Carer Gateway:

  • provides practical information and advice
  • helps you to get the services and support you need
  • provides free counselling services over the phone
  • provides free coaching to help you in your role
  • lets you connect with other carers through a community forum.

Freecall™ 1800 422 737

National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

One of the core aims of the NDIS is to better support families and carers in their caring role.

My Aged Care 

My Aged Care aims to make it easier for older people, their families and carers to access information on ageing and aged care, have their needs assessed and be supported to find and access services.

Freecall™ 1800 200 422

Mental Health Families and Friends Tasmania

Supporting carers, relatives and friends of people with mental ill health through:

  • Telephone information and referral
  • Peer support groups, day and evening
  • Connecting people with networks, services and community groups
  • Carer engagement and participation through regional advisory groups
  • Facilitate carer representation on committees, boards, organisations and networks
  • Resources and libraries
  • Community awareness and education
  • Carer education, workshops and seminars
  • Forums and education to community, services, schools and professional workforces from a carer perspective

Freecall™ 1800 985 944

Dementia Australia

Dementia Australia represent the 472 000 Australians living with dementia and the almost 1.6 million Australians involved in their care.

Freecall™ National Dementia Helpline 1800 100 500

beyondblue – the national depression initiative

Information for carers and relatives of people who have either just been diagnosed, are recovering, or are in the early stages of depression/anxiety.

Call (charges apply) 1300 224 636

Office of eSafety

The Office of eSafety is committed to helping young people have safe, positive experiences online and encouraging behavioural change, where a generation of Australian children act responsibly online—just as they would offline.

The Office of eSafety provide online safety education for Australian children and young people, a complaints service for young Australians who experience serious cyberbullying, and address illegal online content through the Online Content Scheme.

Tasmanian Government Discounts and Concessions

The Tasmanian Government offers a wide range of discounts and concessions on the cost of government services to people on low and fixed incomes, including assistance to afford basic services like electricity, healthcare, housing, education and transport.

Call 1300 135 513

Tasmanian Companion Card

The Companion card is a photo ID card for people with disability who require lifelong support from a companion carer to participate at community venues and events. Cardholders present their card at participating organisations when purchasing a ticket or paying an admission fee, and receive a ticket for their companion carer at no charge.

Freecall™1800 009 501

Seniors Card

To be eligible for the free lifelong Tasmanian Seniors Card you must be:

  • A resident of the State,
  • 60 years of age or over, and
  • Not working more than 20 hours per week in paid employment.

You can apply online at the Seniors Card website, or apply in person (take three pieces of identification (one showing proof of your Tasmanian address and one your date of birth) to a Service Tasmania Centre. You can find a list of centres on the Service Tasmania website.