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Department of Premier and Cabinet

Lieutenant William Edward Kemp Grubb

Several eye-witness reports described how Lieutenant William Edward Kemp Grubb, of Launceston, was wounded but "pluckily insisted on remaining with the boys, and carrying on".  

In the afternoon of 28 March 1918, Lieutenant Grubb, of the 40th Battalion, and the C Company went to stop an enemy offensive.  He was hit by a bullet in the shoulder, bound up and then he went on in advance.

Lance Corporal Arthur McGuinness of Scottsdale, also of the 40th Battalion, said of Lieutenant Grubb:  "instead of going to a Dressing Station he bravely went on and was shortly afterwards killed by two German bullets through the head on March 28th 1918."

Captain F. C Green of the 40th Battalion reported that "A few days afterwards I had a substantial wooden Cross made, with his name, rank and Unit inscribed, and had it placed over the grave." 

Lieutenant Grubb was buried in Heilly Military Cemetery along with all the others who were killed in the attack. The Frank MacDonald Memorial Study Tour visited  Heilly Station Cemetery in the Somme, in France, in 2014.

Lieutenant Grubb was a commercial traveler from 208 York Street, Launceston.  He left for the war on 29 June 1915 and served at Gallipoli. He was married to Ethel.

Captain F C Green

Captain Frank Green was awarded a Military Cross and wrote The Fortieth - A Record of the 40th Battalion AIF which was published in Hobart in 1922.

Captain Green provided an account of the 40th Battalion and the capture of the Tyne Cot blockhouse, in France, on 4 October 1917.  Captain Green's account of the capture of the Tyne Cot blockhouse may be found on this weblink.

 Soldiers researched for the Frank MacDonald Study Tour