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Department of Premier and Cabinet

Private Roy Frith

Roy Frith coxswain and Scotch College rowers in boat A group of World War One soliders

Chi Canty at the Australian War Memorial 2020

Chi Canty, of Scotch Oakburn College, in Launceston, Tasmania, researched former Scotch College student, Roy Frith, for the Frank MacDonald Memorial Study Tour.

Roy excelled in a wide variety of activities at Scotch College throughout his time there. He received multiple academic prizes in 1910 and 1912, including prizes for arithmetic, reading, mapping, Latin, algebra and geometry. It is evident from this Roy had an analytical mind which favoured calculations and precision. That being said, it appears Roy was a well-rounded student, also showing good character and a thoughtful, considerate personality, as recognised through him receiving a Prize for Conduct in 1909.

Roy also rowed for Scotch College and raced in the Bourke Cup in 1911 and 1912 as Coxswain.

Roy enlisted for World War One on 24 September 1916, was wounded on 18 August 1918 and passed away on 19 August 1918.

It is evident that Roy was both academically and athletically gifted, a hard worker, and a natural leader, with great potential for a successful and eventful life, had he survived the war, or not enlisted at all. Yet this potential was never fully realised, due to his tragic passing before even reaching the age of 22. Even more tragically, this would not be the only unfortunate news to come from the western front for his family; Roy’s older brother Arthur was also killed in action only six days prior.

Private Roy Frith led an interesting and eventful life, tragically cut short by his enlistment and subsequent death in World War One.

Read Chi Canty's research report about Private Roy Frith.