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Department of Premier and Cabinet

Local Government Learning and Development Framework

About the Framework

The Office of Local Government (OLG) and the Local Government Association of Tasmania (LGAT) are working together to develop a Local Government Learning and Development Framework that aims to increase the knowledge and skills of councillors.

The Framework uses a variety of learning methods and the 70:20:10 model approach. In this model, learning happens through:

  • challenging, on-the-job or work-based learning activities (70%);
  • coaching, feedback and the establishment of networks and relationships for learning (20%); and
  • formal – or classroom / workshop style learning activities (10%).

Learning occurs most when all three learning styles are blended in the relevant proportion.

A portion of the 10% of formal learning are the online learning modules. The Framework includes three online learning packages:

Learning Package 1:

  • Module 1 - What it means to be a councillor and encouraging nomination;
  • Module 2 - Getting elected – information about the electoral process; and
  • Councils are also encouraged to provide information about their own municipal area.

Learning Package 2:

  • Module 1 – Role and responsibilities of councillors;
  • Module 2 - Essential knowledge and skills for councillors;
  • Module 3 - Foundations of good governance; and
  • Know your council (council-run sessions).

Learning Package 3:

  • Will consist of several modules which will provide detailed information about good governance principles and elements as set out in the Good Governance Guide and other important topics.
  • The first three modules include:
    • Module 1 – Good governance – understanding your role;
    • Module 2 – Good governance – building positive relationships;
    • Module 3 – Cyber Safety Essentials;
    • Module 4 – Good governance – good decision-making; and
    • Module 5 – Good governance – land-use planning:
      • Part A – Key players in Land-use planning;
      • Part B – Tasmanian Planning System; and
      • Part C – Statutory planning.
  • The Framework will also include other methods of learning that are not formal online modules such as work placed activities and building relationships and networks to support the sharing of knowledge.
  • Modules will continue to be added to Learning Package 3 until all basic topics have been covered.

Learn to Lead website

There is a dedicated Learn to Lead website to promote the Framework and support councillors in their learning and development. The Learn to Lead website includes:

  • a link to the Learning Management System (LMS) that houses the online learning modules;
  • FAQs such as how to log into the online modules;
  • links to register for online modules; and
  • information about councillor capabilities.

Access to the Framework

The modules are available to 3 groups of learners:

  1. Councillors - the updated Learning Packages now available to all councillors. Each councillor has already been enrolled and contacted with log-in details.
  2. Local government staff - other people working in the local government sector are also able to enrol in the same Learning Packages as councillors. Please complete the registration form to enable enrolment.
  3. Public - the content from Learning Packages 1 and 2 is  also available to members of the public or those interested in running for councillor in the future. Please complete the registration form to enable enrolment.

If you have any questions, please call OLG on 6232 7022 or send an email to