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Department of Premier and Cabinet

Code of Conduct Framework amendment consultation 2024

The Tasmanian Government has released draft amendments to the Local Government (General) Regulations 2015 and a new draft Local Government Code of Conduct Order for public consultation.

Changes to statutory rules are required to bring into effect new legislative provisions contained in the Local Government Amendment (Code of Conduct) Act 2023, which was passed by Parliament in September 2023.

The changes to the Regulations and new Code include:

  • A new single statewide Code of Conduct that automatically applies to all councils and their elected members
  • Minimum prescribed requirements to be included in newly required council dispute resolution policies
  • The inclusion of a code of conduct breach for councillors engaging in ‘prohibited conduct’, as defined under the Anti-Discrimination Act 1998
  • Ensuring the code reflects gender neutral language.

Establishing a clear and consistent Code across all councils will strengthen community confidence and ensure all Tasmanian councillors are required to meet the same conduct and behavioural expectations.

The Government is undertaking a five-week consultation on the draft Regulations and Code to 20 August 2024.

You can view the draft documents below:

You can make a submission by email to, or in writing to the Office of Local Government, GPO Box 123, Hobart, Tas, 7000.

Importantly, the amendments reflect only minor changes to the Code itself, largely as a result of incorporating the existing 'model' Code into a new order. The Government’s current priority is to implement these amendments and then properly evaluate the impact of the reforms.

The Office of Local Government is also undertaking broader work, in consultation with WorkSafe Tasmania and the sector, to develop additional conduct-related guidance materials to support councils.