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Department of Premier and Cabinet

Resources for Councils and Councillors

Amendments to Local Government Act 1993 and Local Government (Model Code of Conduct) Order 2016 - Information sheet January 2019

Summary of Changes to the Local Government (General) Regulations 2015 - Information sheet August 2018

Gifts and Donations Register - Local Government (General) Regulations 2015 - Guideline August 2019

Councillor Allowances - Information sheet from 1 November 2022 to 31 October 2023

Council Meeting Procedures - Information sheet July 2022

Access to information for councillors - Information sheet December 2017

Key Councillor Offences - Information sheet March 2020

Role of the General manager - Information sheet November 2018

Questions and Answers about Councillors running for State  Parliament - Information Sheet April 2024

Information for councils

Child Safe Officers in Local Government - Recommendation 6.12 - Information Sheet July 2023

Local Government Amendment (Targeted Review) Act 2017 - Summary of Amendments to the Local Government Act 1993 - Information sheet December 2017

Tendering and Contracting - Information sheet July 2015

Sale of Public Land - Information sheet April 2020

Minor Municipal Boundary Adjustment - Information sheet April 2021

Local Government Audit Panels - A practice guide revised March 2024 - Department of Premier and Cabinet

Local Government Audit Panels - A practice guide - Appendix 1: Model code of conduct for members of the audit panel - Word version released March 2024

Local Government Audit Panels - A practice guide - Appendix 2: Model audit panel charter - Word version revised March 2024

Annual General Meetings - Good practice guideline March 2024

Annual Report Guidelines - Good practice guideline March 2024

Second Statewide Partnership Agreement on Communication and Consultation between State Government and the Local Government Association of Tasmania - December 2008 revised December 2010

Making by-laws

Making by-laws good practice guidelines - 1 - Part II of the Local Government Act 1993

Making by-laws good practice guidelines - 2 - Steps in making a by-law

Making by-laws good practice guidelines - 3 - Regulatory impact statements / Section 156A Local Government Act 1993 )

Making by-laws good practice guidelines - 4 - Penalties and infringement notices - The Monetary Penalties Enforcement Act 2005

Making by-laws good practice guidelines - 5 - Tabling a by-law in parliament: requirements of the standing committee on subordinate legislation

Making by-laws good practice guidelines - 6 - When a regulatory impact statement is not required