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Department of Premier and Cabinet

Disaster Ready Fund

Last updated: 29 May 2024

Resilience and Recovery Tasmania in the Department of Premier and Cabinet administers the Australian Government's Disaster Ready Fund in Tasmania.

The Australian Government's Disaster Ready Fund provides up to $200 million per year to fund projects that build resilience to prepare for, or reduce the risk of, future natural hazard impacts across Australia.

The Disaster Ready Fund is the Australian Government’s flagship disaster resilience and risk reduction initiative which will fund projects to support Australians to manage the physical, social and economic impacts of disasters caused by climate change and other natural hazards.

The primary objectives of the Disaster Ready Fund are to:

  1. increase the understanding of natural hazard disaster impacts, as a first step towards reducing disaster impacts in the future;
  2. increase the resilience, adaptive capacity and/or preparedness of governments, community service organisations and affected communities to minimise the potential impact of natural hazards and avert disasters; and
  3. reduce the exposure to risk, harm and/or severity of a natural hazard’s impacts, including reducing the recovery burden for governments, cohorts at disproportionate disaster risk, and/or affected communities.

Funding and administration decisions are made by the Australian Government.

Disaster Ready Fund Round Two

The application period for the Disaster Ready Fund Round Two has now closed.

How will projects be selected?

The Australian Government makes the final decisions about the Disaster Ready Fund. This includes selecting successful projects.

The National Emergency Management Agency will announce successful applicants in the second half of 2024.

For further information, please refer to the National Emergency Management Agency’s Disaster Ready Fund website or contact with any questions about this program or your application.

Disaster Ready Fund Round One

Round One of the Disaster Ready Fund committed $200 million of Australian Government investment for 187 projects across Australia.

The Federal Minister for Emergency Management and the Premier announced the outcome of Round One for Tasmania on 7 June 2023.

Tasmania received over $14 million in funding for 19 projects that will focus on building resilience in the state. This is matched by funding from within the state resulting in a total investment of $30 million in critical resilience building projects for Tasmania.

Approved projects include community resilience and awareness projects, investment in infrastructure, erosion mitigation strategies, data collection and sharing, and emergency response equipment.

For a full list of approved Round One projects, you can click here.

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