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Department of Premier and Cabinet

Recovery from emergencies in Tasmania

For recovery information in an emergency, visit the TasRECOVERY website.

State Recovery Arrangements

The Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPAC) is responsible for whole of government recovery planning, preparedness and coordination. The Deputy Secretary (Policy) has been delegated statutory responsibilities as State Recovery Advisor under the Emergency Management Act 2006 (s.24A). This includes:

  • ensuring recovery plans and arrangements are prepared and maintained, and
  • advising government on recovery needs and issues.

The Office of Security and Emergency Management works on behalf of the State Recovery Advisor to:

  • maintain state level recovery plans and arrangements;
  • support the municipal and regional coordination of relief and recovery assistance during emergencies; and
  • if required, lead the coordination and management of longer term recovery efforts through a Recovery Unit or Taskforce.

State Recovery Plan

Tasmania’s State Recovery Plan (Issue 5, January 2024) describes state level recovery arrangements to all stakeholders. The Plan provides a broad, scalable framework for recovery that can be tailored to the meet the needs of each emergency event and affected community.

State Recovery Committee

The State Recovery Committee is a sub-committee of the State Emergency Management Committee. Chaired by the State Recovery Advisor, the State Recovery Committee:

  • provides strategic advice on recovery;
  • oversees the development and maintenance of state-level recovery policies, plans and arrangements; and
  • oversees their implementation following emergencies.

The State Recovery Committee is supported by a working group.

Recovery coordination structures

Following significant emergencies, the government may decide to appoint a Recovery Coordinator and/or establish a Recovery Taskforce or Recovery Unit to coordinate longer term recovery activities. A Recovery Taskforce or Unit works collaboratively with communities and local governments through Affected Area Recovery Committees and across agencies to ensure government efforts are coordinated.

Recovery from COVID-19

The Premier’s Economic and Social Recovery Advisory Council (PESRAC) was established to provide advice to the Tasmanian Government on strategies and initiatives to support recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. In July 2020, PESRAC released its Interim Report containing 64 recommendations to guide Tasmania’s recovery from the economic and social impacts of the pandemic in the immediate and short term.

All 64 recommendations have been delivered or absorbed into government’s ongoing activities. Read the PESRAC Interim Report: Summary of Implementation Activity (PDF 303.6KB).

While implementation of the initial steps identified by PESRAC in their Interim Report is complete, work continues across Government to address structural issues through implementation of recommendations from PESRAC’s Final Report. This includes measures to address mental health and wellbeing, housing, skills development, digital inclusion and sustainability.

Commencing in 2022, agencies will also start reporting on PESRAC recommendations in their annual reports.

Recovery processes from previous events

Recovery Taskforces were established following past emergency events such as the:

  • 2013 Bushfires;
  • 2016 Floods; and
  • 2019 Bushfires.

A Recovery Unit operated following the 2018 Southern Tasmania Extreme Weather Event.

2019 Bushfire Recovery

In December 2018 and January 2019, thousands of dry lightning strikes ignited bushfires across Tasmania. The resulting bushfires threatened communities and created major disruptions.

See more about the 2019 Bushfire recovery on the TasALERT Recovery page.

2018 Southern Tasmania Extreme Weather Event

On Thursday 10 May 2018 more than 120mm of rain fell in Hobart and surrounding suburbs. The extreme weather caused considerable damage across Southern Tasmania.

See more about the 2019 Southern Tasmanian Extreme Weather Event recovery on the TasALERT Recovery page.

2016 Floods

In June and July 2016, Tasmania experienced its worst floods in almost 90 years. The widespread flood events across Tasmania resulted in significant social, environmental and economic impacts across 20 local government areas. The total estimated damages reached $180 million.

The Tasmanian Flood Recovery Taskforce was established. Tasmania Police Commander Peter Edwards was the State Recovery Coordinator.

2013 Bushfires

On 4 January 2013, Tasmania experienced severe fire weather, with many areas of the state breaking temperature records and some areas reaching the fire danger rating of catastrophic for the first time. Over 40 fires were battled statewide for several days. The Forcett fire caused serious impacts to local townships, particularly the town of Dunalley where more than half of the town’s buildings and primary school were destroyed.

The Tasmanian Government established a Bushfire Recovery Taskforce chaired by Mr Damian Bugg QC. It was supported by a Bushfire Recovery Unit.

Other resources

The Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience Recovery Hub brings together resources, information and publications focused on recovery in Australia and internationally.

The Community Recovery Handbook aims to provide a comprehensive guide to community recovery in Australia. It is intended for use by planners, managers and those involved in working with communities to design and deliver recovery processes, services, programs and activities.

This website provides information on assistance for current disasters as well as links to previous disasters that have impacted Australians, both in Australia and overseas. Disaster Assist also provides information on the Australian Government Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements.

Contact us

For more information about Tasmania’s recovery arrangements or general enquiries please contact: