Kathrine Morgan-Wicks, Head of the State Service, message to all staff

2024 King's Birthday Honours List (19 Jun 2024)

Hello everyone,

Last week, 13 Tasmanians were recognised for their individual expertise and excellence across a broad range of sectors in the 2024 King’s Birthday Honours List.

Among these pre-eminent Tasmanians were four of our colleagues from across the State Service, and it is my great honour to congratulate them and further highlight their exceptional achievements.

Professor Brett McDermott AM was appointed as a Member of the Order of Australia for his significant service to medicine in the field of child and adolescent psychiatry. Brett is the Statewide Specialty Director of the Department of Health’s Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service and has had a deeply impactful career in public health, both in Tasmania and interstate. As former Secretary of Health, it is particularly heartening to see Brett recognised for his professional advocacy and tireless commitment to youth mental health and wellbeing.

Detective Inspector George Cretu APM was awarded an Australian Police Medal for his significant contribution towards quality policing and emergency services in the Tasmanian community. George joined Tasmania Police in 1982 and has performed a variety of operational and strategic roles in the time since. Notably, in 2022, he undertook a statewide review of family violence matters to ensure the response to these critical incidents was meeting community and organisational expectations – thank you George for your ongoing contribution to the safety of Tasmanians.

Mrs Laura Butler ASM was awarded an Ambulance Service Medal for her dedication to and improvement of paramedicine and hospital care in Tasmania. Joining Ambulance Tasmania in 2015, Laura has performed several roles including paramedic, volunteer educator, diabetes referral pathway project officer and coordinator for clinical practice. She was instrumental in progressing key projects such as the Palliative Care Project and the Diabetes Pathway Project and has changed how care is delivered in Tasmania. Congratulations Laura and thank you for your dedicated service.

Mr Jordan Emery ASM was also awarded an Ambulance Service Medal for his industry leadership and innovation in the field of paramedicine. Jordan is the Chief Executive of Ambulance Tasmania, commencing this role in June 2023 after working for more than a decade in ambulance services. Jordan has championed a positive industry-wide culture with a transformational approach to leadership and frontline services, which has seen him appointed as an adjunct associate professor in the University of Tasmania’s School of Paramedicine. Jordan, I thank you for your leadership and expertise and am thrilled to see it recognised in the national honours system.

Once again, my sincere congratulations to each recipient for their respective awards, and I’m sure you will all join me in celebration of their wonderful achievements.

Kind regards,


Kathrine Morgan-Wicks signature block
Kathrine Morgan-Wicks
Head of the State Service
Secretary, Department of Premier and Cabinet
19 Jun 2024
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