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Department of Premier and Cabinet

State Service Workforce Reporting

This report provides information about the Tasmanian State Service Workforce and is published twice yearly.


Data included in this Workforce Profile reflects information collected through the Workforce Information Reporting System (WiRS). WiRS is a standardised employee reporting system, validated against a set of business rules and translation tables to ensure consistent reporting at a whole-of-service level. WiRS data only includes those people employed under the State Service Act 2000 (the Act), and within the agencies listed in Schedule 1 of that Act.

Data is uploaded to WiRS on a quarterly basis and manually reviewed as part of an ongoing quality assurance process. This process may include the correction of coding errors that affect historical paid headcount or full-time equivalent data. As a result of these corrections, there may be inconsistencies in historic data shown in this Report when compared to previously published State Service and Agency data.


From June 2018, the State Service's Empower Human Resources Information System supports the recording three gender options - F - Female, M - Male and X - Indeterminate/Intersex/Unspecified. From June 2021, some agencies commenced providing employees with the option to not disclose their gender (Undisclosed). To protect the privacy of the low number of employees who do not identify as male or female, or who do not wish to disclose their gender, data in this Report relating to these employees has been included only in totals and has not been extracted to identify their agency, age group, or employment status/category.


Paid Headcount (PHC) is an indicative number of employees and officers (excluding casuals) engaged and paid as at the reporting date, including employees on paid leave.

Paid Full-time Equivalent (FTE) is the full-time equivalent value of employees and officers (excluding casuals) who are engaged and paid as at the reporting date (e.g. two people working in a part-time role of 0.5FTE each equals 1.00 full-time equivalent).

An Officer is anyone appointed under Part 6 of the Act and includes Heads of Agencies, Prescribed Office Holders, Senior Executive Service, and Equivalent Specialists.

PHC, FTE and Officer data excludes anyone not paid as at the reporting date, such as people on Leave Without Pay or on secondment out of the State Service and casual employees. As this data is based on payroll, as opposed to establishment, data reported here will differ to that reported by agencies.










State Service WRIPs and TNVRs

This report provides information about the Tasmanian State Service Workforce Renewal Incentive Program (WRIP) and Targeted Negotiated Voluntary Redundancy (TNVR) payments.

The report below is over the 2014 – 2015 Financial Year and 2015 – 2016 Financial Year to 31 March 2016.