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Department of Premier and Cabinet

Manager Essentials Program

Program Overview

The Manager Essentials Program (MEP) is a Whole-of-Service high quality program designed and developed to increase the fundamental and essential management capabilities of all State Service Managers. The MEP gives you the opportunity to reflect on your emotional intelligence and resilience; the context you work in; managing employees effectively and transforming your own and other employees working environment.

Participants can choose to complete one or all of the stand-alone learning modules. The option of completing all enables participants to obtain essential management skills required for management roles across the broader State Service.

Module 1 - Understanding self and developing others: the reflective mindset
Module 2 - Understanding government and governance
Module 3 - Managing People
Module 4 - Creating a Positive Work Environment

The program is endorsed by the Head of the State Service and all Heads of Departments, as a commitment to identifying and developing current managers in the State Service.

Tasmanian State Service Manager Essentials Program takes out Bronze in the UK Learning Awards 2022

People Development Program for Public Sector 2022 Bronze Award

The Manager Essentials Program (MEP), received the Bronze Award at the Learning and Performance Institute: Learning Awards in the UK for the People Development Program of the Year Award – Public Sector.

This is a fantastic achievement for our multi-agency working group chaired through the State Service Management Office, Department of Premier and Cabinet, who designed and developed the MEP to support relevant and contemporary professional learning for Tasmanian State Servants and has been successfully delivered since 2017.

Program Outcomes

The Program will:

  • enhance the State Service core management capabilities, so that the Service is well positioned to meet its current and future requirements;
  • provide a consistent approach and understanding to management practices and responsibilities;
  • provide an integrated learning pathway and prepare managers (frontline, middle and senior) for future management roles;
  • equip State Service Managers to manage, support and develop people and lead their team;
  • offer good value for money, and provide for credible and knowledgeable program facilitators;
  • have a compelling and well-defined learning approach that meet participants and government management skills requirements with excellence; and
  • be a unique Tasmanian context program for managers from across all agencies and authorities.

Participants will:

  • develop understandings of self and self-awareness;
  • develop a shared understanding of the unique context of working in the Tasmanian State Service
  • learn to better manage, support and develop people and lead their teams; and
  • develop knowledge of consistent approaches to create positive work environments.

Target Audience - who should attend?

The program is aimed at new or current/existing front-line, mid-level or senior managers at Band 6, 7 and 8 level; or equivalent roles such as Nurse Unit Managers or other health professionals who currently have a range of responsibilities and accountabilities for the full range of management functions (managing people, budgets, resources), including having at least 4-8 direct reports. Participants could also manage complex projects where significant stakeholder engagement and influence is required.

Level of commitment

The program involves commitment and focus. It will require participants to engage with the learning activities and materials with up to 2-3 hours per week of study for the program duration. The program requires agencies to release participants to attend a ½ day induction workshop and workshops as well as undertake on-the-job learning activities. If COVID-19 restrictions occur, the program is undertaken in virtual classrooms with all facilitators highly skilled in delivering engaging live online learning environments.

Program structure

This program uses a blend of active learning modules including two ½ day workshops (opening and closing); Genos Emotional Intelligence Assessments and Debriefs; Getting Started Guide learning activities; face-to-face workshops (or virtual if required), management challenge inquiry, case studies and a learning environment offering participants access to contemporary, high quality learning materials and facilitators. The learning modules provide managers with skills and tools to equip them to better manage.

GENOS Emotional Intelligence Diagnostic Survey Tool

Participants will undertake two Emotional Intelligence (EI) Diagnostic Tools through GENOS International at the start of the program and at the end of the program. Genos EI includes self-assessment and feedback from 4 – 8 direct reports (ie people who report to you). Once you have completed all four active learning modules, you will undertake a second Genos EI assessment that includes your Line Manager. Participants will receive their feedback reports and a group debriefs at the opening and closing workshops.

Guides: Getting Started Guide + Participant Workshop Guide + On-the-Job Guide

Each learning module begins with a Getting Started Guide. The Getting Started Guides incorporate a series of self-directed learning activities and includes pre-reading materials; tasks and online information. This is followed by a face-to-face workshop allowing participants to explore the challenges in more details. Applying the learning will be through a management challenge inquiry. The learning module ends with an On-the-Job learning guide which contains resources/tools and development options to help embed the learning long term.

On successful completion

Participants will receive a Certificate of Completion, upon completion of all elements:

  • a Time 1 GENOS Emotional Intelligence Assessment;
  • attendance at a ½ day Induction Workshop which includes a Genos debriefing session;
  • completion of four active learning modules (including completion of Getting Started Guides, attendance at four workshops and completion of four On-the-Job Guides);
  • a Time 2 GENOS Emotional Intelligence Assessment debriefing session; and
  • attendance at a Final ½ day session workshop and debrief session.

Program cost and enrolment

The cost for the full program is $1500 (+GST).

Registration is via the Tasmanian Training Consortium (TTC) website. Click on the link below corresponding to the appropriate program above.

Need further information?

For more information, please contact the Tasmanian Training Consortium on 6232 7511 or email

You can also contact your Human Resources Division in your agency.