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Department of Premier and Cabinet

Trauma-informed knowledge and skills framework

Transforming the Tasmanian State Service into a Trauma-Informed Community

About the Project

The Tasmanian Government, in response to the Commission of Inquiry into the Tasmanian Government’s Responses to Child Sexual Abuse in Institutional Settings, is committed to creating a safer, more supportive environment for all Tasmanians. A key step in this commitment is the implementation of the Trauma-Informed Knowledge and Skills Framework across the Tasmanian State Service.

This initiative aims to foster a culture of understanding, support, and recovery, ensuring that all public sector employees are equipped to respond effectively to individuals affected by trauma, including survivors of child sexual abuse. By embedding trauma-informed principles into our daily operations, we can offer services that are not only effective but also compassionate and healing.

Project Objectives

  • Educate and empower all Tasmanian State Service employees with the knowledge and skills to adopt a trauma-informed approach.
  • Promote a culture of safety, understanding, and accountability within the Tasmanian State Service.
  • Ensure that services provided by the Tasmanian Government are sensitive to and supportive of the needs of survivors of child sexual abuse and others affected by trauma.
  • Implement the recommendations of the Commission of Inquiry through practical, actionable strategies and practices.

How You Can Get Involved

Whether you're a State Service employee, a community member, or someone with lived experience, your voice matters. Participate in our training sessions, engage with our resources, and join the conversation about creating a trauma-informed Tasmania.

Training and Resources

Comprehensive training sessions and a wide array of resources will be made available to ensure that all employees have the skills and knowledge to contribute to a trauma-informed public service. Stay tuned for announcements on training dates and resource releases.


Have questions? Our FAQ section provides answers to common queries about the project, the framework, and how you can be part of this transformative initiative.

Contact Us

For more information, to get involved, or to offer feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out. Your input is invaluable as we work together to make a difference.

  • Project Email:
  • Phone: (03) 6232 7774
  • Project Lead: Kayla Palombo, Organisational Design and Development Specialist
  • Mailing Address: State Service Management Office, Department of Premier and Cabinet, Level 5, 15 Murray Street, Hobart TAS 7000

Stay Updated

For the latest updates, training schedules, and news, subscribe to the Tasmanian Training Consortium newsletter and check back here regularly.

Together, we can build a more compassionate, understanding, and supportive Tasmania for all.

Last updated: 14/05/2024 KP