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Department of Premier and Cabinet

Workforce planning and reporting

Page Last Updated: 20 January 2020 JM 

Workforce planning is about achieving sustained organisational performance and accountability through the development of a capable workforce

Workforce planning

The Tasmanian State Service emphasises the importance and value of workforce planning and supports agencies in their strategic workforce planning and activities. The Workforce Planning and Reporting team in the State Service Management Office (SSMO) provides ongoing one-on-one support and advice to agencies on the development of strategic workforce planning activities, including advice on identifying future workforce needs, addressing identified workforce issues, and improving workforce planning capabilities.

The Workforce Planning and Reporting team is also responsible for the analysis and provision of whole-of-service workforce data and information including:

  • the preparation of the Tasmanian State Service Annual Report;
  • publishing the State Service Workforce Profile (twice yearly) as part of DPAC’s Routine Disclosures and Right to Information process;
  • contributing to the National Public Sector Workforce Data Dashboard as members of the Interjurisdictional Workforce Data Analytics Committee; and
  • providing workforce profiles and data analysis on key issues including associated research, and reporting, to support policy and program development.

In addition to this, the Workforce Planning and Reporting team manages and coordinates the delivery of the Tasmanian State Service Employee Survey, and provides advice and support to agencies to respond to Survey results.

Current priorities include:

  • supporting the development of capabilities within agencies through continued consultation on strategic workforce planning activities;
  • providing a range of resources through the HRWiki and SSMO website to support workforce planning in the TSS, including overviews and analysis of future workforce issues and trends;
  • publishing the Workforce Planning Handbook to guide to agencies about workforce planning; and
  • developing a TSS Data Literacy Guide to support improved data literacy for human resource professionals, managers and other data users within agencies.


State Service Workforce Planning Handbook (PDF 1.1 MB)

Overview of the State Service Workforce Planning Model (PDF 556 KB)

Workforce reporting

There are several major activities undertaken by the Workforce Planning and Reporting team:

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