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Department of Premier and Cabinet


Contact Details

By phone
Find the number of a specific division or office to contact them directly or call Service Tasmania on 1300 135 513.

Our staff
Use the Tasmanian Government Directory to find staff contact details

Social media
Follow our social media accounts to keep up to date with specific programs and initiatives.

Keeping Children Safe

The Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Tasmanian Government’s response to child sexual abuse in institutional settings is now publicly available. It can be viewed online at

The Tasmanian Government is taking strong action to keep Tasmanian children and young people safe. For more information, please visit the Keeping Children Safe website:

Support services

If you need to talk to someone now, immediate support is available from the following organisations:

  • Lifeline (24 hours) 131 114
  • Beyond Blue 1300 224 636
  • Beyond Blue Webchat Support Service
  • Victims of Crime Service 1300 300 238
  • Sexual Assault Support Service (24 hours) 1800 697 877
  • Laurel House Northern Tasmania (03) 6334 2740
  • Laurel House North-West Tasmania (03) 6431 9711
  • Blue Knot Foundation 1300 657 380
  • Child Abuse Prevention Services 1800 688 009
  • Strong Families, Safe Kids 1800 000 123
  • 1800 RESPECT 1800 737 732
  • Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467
  • Phone and Online Counselling (
  • MensLine Australia 1300 789 978
  • Relationships Australia Tasmania 1300 364 277

For information on how to keep children safe, who to contact if you need help, as well as information on the signs of sexual abuse and grooming, please see the new Tell Someone website:

If a child is in immediate danger, dial 000.

If you need more information, you can:

Call: 1800 093 758 between 9.00am and 5.00pm on weekdays (excluding public holidays), or

DPAC Statement of Commitment to Child and Youth Safety

All children and young people have the right to feel and be safe, to be heard in matters that affect them and to be protected from harm.

At the Department of Premier and Cabinet, we are accountable for upholding these rights. We embrace our responsibility to guide and achieve positive change across the Tasmanian State Service. We will work as one to put the rights and wellbeing of children and young people at the centre of what we do. We will build and maintain a workplace that is safe for children and young people. We will listen to the diverse needs of all children and young people, no matter their background, culture, abilities, or identity.

Our promise goes beyond just words. We are committed to making meaningful and ongoing changes to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children and young people. We will employ the right people. We will embed a culture of self-reflection and continuous improvement. Children and young people will influence decisions that affect them. We will listen to them and learn from them. We will have the courage to change what needs to be changed. We will regularly review our policies and structures through a child and youth safety lens. Our people will be equipped with the skills to recognise and respond to signs of harm.

Our culture will be one where everyone takes responsibility, shares information, and speaks up if something doesn't seem right. Together, we're creating a place where all children and young people are safe from harm. A place where we all protect young people and do what's right, for a safer Tasmania.

Additional information and resources